Wednesday, April 27, 2011 

No One Expects the Muslim Inquisition

Monty Python may have surprised us with the Spanish Inquisition, but today
there is hardly anyone who doesn't expect the Muslim Inquisition. It is
almost hard to imagine that there was a time not so long ago when it was
possible to catch sight of Muslim terrorists in films and when it was
permissible to crack jokes about Mohammed and the mountain.


Today a few strokes of a pen can put you on the run, not in Islambad or
Ridyah, but as far away as Seattle. And the mere whisper of a mosque protest
can put you in a jail cell for 'breach of peace'. Peace being another way of
saying Islam. 

Ever since Mohammed couched his demand for surrender to the Byzantine
Emperor with the words, 'Aslim Taslam'-- appeasing Muslims often comes gift
wrapped as 'peace'. From the 'Peace Process' that condemns Israel to carve
itself up to appease Muslim terror, to Terry Jones planted in a
Dearbornistan jail cell for 'Breach of Peace' on charges of plotting to
exercise his Constitutional right to protest-- the Religion of Peace finds
ways to remind us that in the Islamic lexicon, peace is just another way of
saying 'submission'. As Mohammed told Heracilus back in the day, the only
peace to be found is under the rule of Islam.   

Globalism, immigration and the internet have moved the blasphemy trial from
the hinterlands of Islam to the rainy west coast. And it isn't just a few
mullahs in dark garb writing out their fatwas anymore. The clerics may write
the fatwas, but more and more it's the local justice departments of formerly
free countries that enforce them. When a few angry Imams call for your head,
you can always turn to the authorities for protection. But when the
authorities are the ones calling for your head because you offended the
imams-- who do you turn to?

You can't spell Socialism without Islam. And the difference between Sharia
law as practiced in the formerly free West, from the one practiced in the
minaret ridden slums of the east is that Western authorities don't lock away
blasphemers because they believe that Mohammed was the final prophet of
Allah and the Koran is his revelation to mankind. Rather they're afraid of
the murderous offense taken by those who do.

It's bad enough when Muslims enact laws to promote the supremacy of a
religion that they believe in, but what do we make of Western authorities
who don't believe in their religion, but do abide by their definition of
blasphemy. It's awful to be persecuted for your beliefs by authorities whose
beliefs are at variance with yours, but even worse to be persecuted by
authorities who believe in nothing at all. If Muslims have faith in Allah,
they have faith in their own power to jail those who might give Muslims an
excuse for kicking up a violent fuss.

Some call it the heckler's veto, but it's more like the Heckler and Koch
veto. If the authorities were afraid of riots in the 60's, now they're
afraid of massacres. And it's easier to put on the Dhimmi and pay out the
Danegeld, than to stand up to the religion of the machine gun and the faith
of the suicide bomb.

British authorities kept an open door and a warm meal
on-bombings.html> ready for the friendless Islamist so as not to offend
Muslims for fear of terror. In return, the civic leaders of Londonistan were
rewarded with the 7/7 attacks. A bloody atrocity that did not in any way
diminish the flow of bearded hostiles into Albion. After all, if this was
how Muslims responded to not being offended, just imagine what they would do
if you they really were offended.

Now England has become a nation where you can be arrested for a bad karaoke
m-performing-Kung-Fu-Fighting.html#ixzz1KiiW1Aae>  of Kung Fu Fighting, but
where Islamists cheerfully sit on the dole
<>  like so many
murderous partridges in a rotten pear tree, composing their hymns of jihad,
burning poppies and proclaiming that the end is near in Luton. It is
perfectly safe to arrest bad singers and ex-soldiers who touch a lighter to
the pages of a Koran. At least from the perspective of the authorities. But
arresting Muslims is so much more dangerous altogether.


Spend enough time standing in line and you discover that there are two kinds
of people. The kind who decide that lines may be uncomfortable, but they'll
have to wait in them just like everyone else. And the kind who decide that
only suckers wait in line and muscle their way through with violent tantrums
daring anyone to stop them. The first kind have adapted to the discomforts
of civilization, the second kind treat them like sheep, confident that
people willing to stand in line at a bureaucrat's word don't have what it
takes to stop them. And much of the time they're right.

Muslims are the violent queue jumpers of civilization, their violent
tantrums putting not the fear of Allah, but the fear of violent disorder
into the guardians of civilizations. The fragile order of the urban centers,
chock full of multiculturalism and resentment, depends on everyone
respecting authority. That has become the chief duty of all forms of law
enforcement. Not so much to prevent crime, but to keep everyone properly
respectful of all laws and regulations. 

Most of the criticisms of the TSA miss the point. The blue shirted drones
aren't fondling air travelers for any other reason than because frightened
and humiliated people are how incompetent systems assert their authority in
the face of problems that they cannot afford to tackle. You can grope a 6
year old and the only thing you have to worry about is Drudge pageviews. But
try singling out Muslims for a rational airline security policy and the
bureaucrats who make the policies are certain it will only increase terror.
Grope an imam or grope a 6 year old? It's not a tough choice for the
bureaucracy. It never is.

>From throwing elderly preachers in jail to firing employees for burning
korans on their day off to groping children-- the system is doing its best
to protect itself from having to make difficult decisions. And the Muslim
Inquisition has been outsourced to the overpaid employees of the modern
socialist state. Their duty is not to serve or protect, but to keep the
facade going for as long as possible.

We live in a world run by the smirking embodiments of the Peter Principle,
screwups who have leveraged a screwed up system to get to where they are.
The hereditary monarchies that Mohammed confronted in his day, have nothing
on the parade of hopeless buffoons who are at the wheel today, insisting
that there is no such thing as deficit spending, carving up their sole
aircraft carrier before going to war, and insisting that the only way to
stop terror is by surrendering to it. The authorities aren't mad, they're
powermad. Smart enough to find their niche of power and stupid enough to
cling to it at all costs with safe decisions and boldly inoffensive

The outsourcing of the Muslim Inquisition is now a depressing fact of life
in the West. In the United States, the Constitution provides one last
defense against the mandate of public order that has swept away the rights
of citizen in Europe. But it is a defense unlikely to hold against the full
tide. When the guardians of our public order insist that it is a choice
between freedom of speech and dead soldiers in Afghanistan, you can expect
that it won't just be Justice Stephen Breyer burning the Constitution on his

There is a congruence between the public order mandate of the leaders of the
declining west, and the imperative of the religion of peace. Both demand
submission under the law. Not the law of men, but the law of systems.  The
law of the West has become the law of the system. A system that is more
important than any law abiding individual in it. Maintaining the pretense
that the system is working just fine is the sole duty of its administrators
and advocates. It's the slow bus version of Orwell's Oceania, a system whose
totalitarianism is offset only by its incompetence. Whose greatest secret is
its own helplessness in the face of organized opposition.


Unscramble Socialism and you get Islam. As the line cutters of the West,
Muslims have stumbled on the pathetic truth of the system. That it is every
bit as weak as they were told. The system will buy them off with money, with
privileges and by enforcing their doctrines against its own citizens.
Everyone has learned to expect the Muslim Inquisition from the state, as
sure as BBC license fees, the DMV and every other bureaucratic nightmare of
oppressive incompetence. But they don't always understand why.

The 'Why' is because the system has a thorough contempt for its compliant
citizenry and a deep seated fear of the arriving hordes of Muslim immigrants
who will not comply and not obey. Its officers will browbeat and berate
ordinary cooperative citizens, but treat Muslims with kid gloves for fear
that they will stop "cooperating" with authorities. It will confiscate guns
from Americans, but let Islamists with their armed training camps. It will
toss anyone who might even think of offending a Muslim in jail for a 'Breach
of the Peace', but let the Islamists run wild shrieking their hate. Burning
a Koran is a criminal offense, but putting a lighter to the Constitution is
the duty of the judiciary.

The Blasphemy trial has left Pakistan for Londonistan and Lebanon for
Dearborn, to be enforced by a system that would rather impose Islamic law on
the peoples of the formerly free world, than admit that it has lost control
over the consequences of its own immigration and social welfare policies.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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