<http://gatesofvienna.blogspot.com/> Gates of Vienna

At the siege of Vienna in 1683 Islam seemed poised to overrun Christian
We are in a new phase of a very old war.


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

 <http://gatesofvienna.blogspot.com/2010/08/islam-and-inbreeding.html> Islam
and Inbreeding

Nicolai Sennels’ latest essay concerns the deleterious effects of cousin
marriage within the Muslim world, and the impact the practice is having in
Western countries with large numbers of Muslim immigrants.



Muslim Inbreeding: Impacts on intelligence, sanity, health and society

by Nicolai Sennels

Massive inbreeding within the Muslim culture during the last 1.400 years may
have done catastrophic damage to their gene pool. The consequences of
intermarriage between first cousins often have serious impact on the
intelligence, sanity, and health of their offspring, and on their

Ramses IIThe most famous example of inbreeding is in ancient Egypt, where
several Pharaonic dynasties collapsed after lasting for several hundred
years. In order to keep wealth and power within the family, the Pharaohs
often married their own sisters or half-sisters, and after a handful of
generations offspring were mentally and physically unfit to rule. Another
historical example is the royal houses of Europe in which royal families
often married among themselves because tradition did not allow them to marry
people of a non-royal class. The high number of mentally retarded and
handicapped members of royalty throughout European history shows the
unhealthy consequences of this practice. Fortunately, royal families now
allow themselves to marry for love and not just for status.

Muslim culture still practices inbreeding and has been doing so for longer
than any Egyptian dynasty. This practice also predates the world’s oldest
monarchy (the Danish) by 300 years.

A rough estimate shows that close to half of all Muslims in the world are
inbred: In Pakistan, 70 percent of all marriages are between first cousins
(so-called “consanguinity”) and in Turkey the amount is between 25-30
percent ( <http://fpn.dk/liv/krop_valvare/article1616165.ece>
Jyllands-Posten, 27/2/2009 “More stillbirths among immigrants”). Statistical
research on Arabic countries shows that up to 34 percent of all marriages in
Algiers are consanguine (blood-related), 46 percent in Bahrain, 33 percent
in Egypt, 80 percent in Nubia (southern Egypt), 60 percent in Iraq, 64
percent in Jordan, 64 percent in Kuwait, 42 percent in Lebanon, 48 percent
in Libya, 47 percent in Mauritania, 54 percent in Qatar, 67 percent in Saudi
Arabia, 63 percent in Sudan, 40 percent in Syria, 39 percent in Tunisia, 54
percent in the United Arabic Emirates and 45 percent in Yemen (
Reproductive Health Journal, 2009 “Consanguinity and reproductive health
among Arabs”). The number of blood-related marriages is lower among Muslim
immigrants living in the West. Among Pakistanis living in Denmark the amount
is down to 40 percent and 15 percent among Turkish immigrants (
<http://fpn.dk/liv/krop_valvare/article1616165.ece> Jyllands-Posten, 27/2
2009 “More stillbirths among immigrants”). More than half of Pakistani
immigrants living in Britain are intermarried: “The research, conducted by
the BBC and broadcast to a shocked nation on Tuesday, found that at least
55% of the community was married to a first cousin. This is thought to be
linked to the probability that a British Pakistani family is at least 13
times more likely than the general population to have children with
recessive genetic disorders.” (
Times of India, 17/11 2005 “Ban UK Pakistanis from marrying cousins”). The
lower percentages might be because it is difficult to get the chosen family
member into the country, or because health education is better in the West.


Several studies show that children of consanguineous marriages have lower
intelligence than children of non-related parents. Research shows that the
IQ is 10-16 points lower in children born from related parents and that
abilities related to social behavior develop more slowly in inbred babies:
“Effects of parental consanguinity on the cognitive and social behavior of
children have been studied among the Ansari Muslims of Bhalgapur, Bihar. IQ
in inbred children (8-12 years old) is found to be lower (69 in rural and 79
in suburban populations) than that of the outbred ones (79 and 95
respectively). The onset of various social profiles like visual fixation,
social smile, sound seizures, oral expression and hand-grasping are
significantly delayed among the new-born inbred babies.” (
df>  [pdf] Indian National Science Academy, 1983 “Consanguinity Effects on
Intelligence Quotient and Neonatal Behaviours of Ansari Muslim Children”).
The article “Effects of inbreeding on Raven Matrices” concludes that “Indian
Muslim school boys, ages 13 to 15 years, whose parents are first cousins,
were compared with classmates whose parents are genetically unrelated on the
Raven Standard Progressive Matrices, a nonverbal test of intelligence. The
inbred group scored significantly lower and had significantly greater
variance than the non-inbred group, both on raw scores and on scores
statistically adjusted to control for age and socioeconomic status.” (
<http://www.springerlink.com/content/j65457u2532t1751/> Behaviour Genetics,
- - - - - - - - -
Another study shows that the risk of having an IQ lower than 70 goes up 400
percent from 1.2 percent in children from normal parents to 6.2 percent in
inbred children: “The data indicate that the risk for mental retardation in
matings of normal parents increases from 0.012 with random matings to 0.062
for first-cousin parentage.” (
<http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC392897/?page=1> Proceedings of
the National Academy of Science, 1978 “Effect of inbreeding on IQ and mental
retardation”). The study “A study of possible deleterious effects of
consanguinity” (
<http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/119830633/abstract> Departments
of Pediatrics, United Arab Emirates, 1996) concludes that “The occurrence of
malignancies, congenital abnormalities, mental retardation and physical
handicap was significantly higher in offspring of consanguineous than
non-consanguineous marriages.”

Mental and physical diseases and death

The risk of stillbirth doubles when parents are first cousins (
<http://fpn.dk/liv/krop_valvare/article1616165.ece> Jyllands-Posten, 27/2
2009 “More stillbirths among immigrants”). One study analyzed the risk of
perinatal death (the child dies during its own birth), infant death (the
child dies while still infant), and autosomal recessive disorders (serious
and often deadly genetic diseases such as cystic fibrosis and spinal
muscular atrophy): “Perinatal mortality in the Pakistani children was 1.5
times higher than that in the Norwegian children, and infant mortality in
the Pakistani children was more than double that in the Norwegian children.
Deaths due to autosomal recessive disorders were 18 times more common in the
Pakistani children. Similarly, deaths due to multiple malformations, which
may be part of unrecognized autosomal recessive syndromes, were 10 times
more common.” ( <http://www.bmj.com/cgi/content/extract/308/6929/659> BMJ,
1994 “Infant death and consanguineous marriage”).

There is also evidence suggesting that inbred people have a higher risk of
developing mental disorders: “The clinical observations indicated that
depression is very high in some communities where the consanguinity of
marriages is also high.” (
<http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2738415/> Indian Journal of
Psychiatry, 2009 “Relationship between consanguinity and depression in a
south Indian population”). Another study focused on the relationship between
intermarriage and schizophrenia: “The closer the blood relative, the more
likely was there to be a schizophrenic illness.” (
%20was%20there%20to%20be%20a%20schizophrenic%20illness.%22&f=false> American
Psychiatric Press, 1982 “The role of genetic factors in the etiology of the
schizophrenic disorders”). The increased risk of insanity among children of
marriages between cousins might explain why immigrant patients are causing
stress to the psychiatric system and are strongly overrepresented among the
criminally insane: “In Sct. Hans Hospital, which has the biggest ward for
clinically insane criminals in Denmark, more than 40 percent of the patients
have an immigrant background.” (
teter-overrepraesenteret-i-retspsykiatrien?all=1> Kristeligt Dagblad, 26/6
2007 “Ethnic minorities overrepresented among the criminal insane”).

Implications for the Western and Muslim Worlds

The consequences for offspring of consanguineous marriages are unpleasantly
clear: Death, low intelligence or even mental retardation, handicaps, and
diseases often leading to a slow and painful death. Other consequences are:
Limited social skills and understanding, limited ability to manage education
and work procedures, and painful treatment procedures. The negative
cognitive consequences also influence the executive functions. The
impairment of concentration and emotional control most often leads to
anti-social behavior.

The economic costs and consequences for society of inbreeding are of course
secondary to the reality of human suffering. However, inbreeding among
Muslims has severe implications for both Western society and the Muslim

Expenses related to mentally and physically handicapped Muslim immigrants
drain the budget for other public services: “When cousins have children
together, they are twice as likely to have a disabled child — it costs
municipal funds dearly. Disabled immigrant children cost Danish
municipalities millions. In Copenhagen County alone, the number of disabled
children saw an overall increase of 100 percent in 10 years… Meredith Lefelt
has contacted 330 families with disabled children in Copenhagen. She
estimates that one third of their clients have a foreign cultural
background.” (
<http://www.bt.dk/nyheder/indvandreres-indavl-koster-millioner> BT, 10/11
2003 “Immigrants’ inbreeding costs one million”). On top of that come the
expenses for Muslim immigrants who — because of various consequences of
being born from blood related parents — are not able to live up to the
challenges of our Western work market: Muslim immigrants and their
descendants in Europe have a very high rate of unemployment. The same goes
for Muslims in USA, where the Gallup Institute made a study involving
300,000 people that concluded “The majority of Muslims in USA have a lower
income, are less educated and have worse jobs than the population as a
whole.” ( <http://www.berlingske.dk/article/20090303/verden/903030307/>
Berlingske Tidende, d. 3. marts 2009 “Muslims thrive in the USA”).

The cognitive consequences of Muslim inbreeding might explain why
non-Western immigrants are more than 300 percent more likely to fail the
Danish army’s intelligence test than native Danes: “19.3% of non-Western
immigrants are not able to pass the Danish army’s intelligence test. In
comparison, only 4.7% of applicants with Danish background do not pass.” (
<http://nyhederne.tv2.dk/article.php/id-7248606.html?ss> TV 2 Nyhederne,
13/6 2007 “Immigrants flunk army test”). It probably also explains — at
least partly — why two thirds of all immigrant school children with Arabic
backgrounds are illiterate after ten years in the Danish school system:
“Those who speak Arabic with their parents have an extreme tendency to lack
reading ability — 64 percent are illiterate… No matter whether it concerns
reading ability, mathematics, or science, the pattern is the same: the
bilingual immigrants’ skills are exceedingly poor compared to their Danish
classmates.” ( <http://www.bkchefer.dk/uploads/File/Rockwoolfonden.pdf>
Rockwool Foundation Research Unit [pdf], May 2007 “Ethnic students do not
make Danish children worse”). The high expenses of special education for
slow learners consumes one third of the budget for the Danish schools.
“Immigrant children are clearly overrepresented on Copenhagen’s schools for
retarded children and children with physical handicaps… 51 percent of the
children in the three schools in Copenhagen for children with physical and
mental handicaps have an immigrant background, and in one of the schools the
figure is 70 percent… These amounts are significantly higher than the share
of immigrant children in the municipality, which is 33 percent. The many
handicapped children are clear evidence that there are many intermarried
parents in the immigrant families.” (
c2&count=1> Jydske Vestkysten, 4/4 2009 “Tosprogede i overtal på

Our high level of education may also make it harder for inbred students to
follow and finish their studies: “Young people with minority backgrounds
have a significantly higher dropout rate at secondary schools than youth
with a Danish background. For trade school education, the dropout rate among
immigrants is 60 percent, twice as high among adolescents with a Danish
background…There is great variation in educational outcomes when compared
with national origin. For example, dropout among young people with Lebanese
or Iranian background is far greater than among people of Vietnamese
background.” (Center for Knowledge on Integration in Randers, May 2005
“Youth, education and integration”). “Among immigrant children that are born
and raised in Denmark, more than a third has no education. Among native
Danes it is less than one fifth that do not get an education. (
<http://www.dst.dk/publikation.aspx?cid=12444> Danmarks Statistik
“Indvandrere i 2007”).

The negative consequences of inbreeding are also vast for the Muslim world.
Inbreeding may thus explain why only nine Muslims ever managed to receive
the prestigious
<http://www.scribd.com/doc/14200105/Muslim-Nobel-Prize-Winners> Nobel Prize
(5 of them won the “Peace Prize” — for peace that turned out not to last for
very long).

The limited ability to understand, appreciate and produce knowledge
following a limited IQ is probably also partly the reason why Muslim
countries produce 1/10 of the World average when it comes to scientific
research: “In 2003, the world average for production of articles per million
inhabitants was 137, whereas none of the 47 OIC countries for which there
were data achieved production above 107 per million inhabitants. The OIC
average was just 13.” (
<http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v444/n7115/full/444026a.html> Nature
444, s. 26-27, 1. November 2006 “Islam and science: The data gap”). The lack
of interest in science and human development in the Muslim World is also
clear in the UN Arab Human Development Reports (AHDR). AHDR concludes that
there have been fewer books translated into Arabic in the last thousand
years than the number of books translated within the country of Spain every
year: “The Arab world translates about 330 books annually, one fifth of the
number that Greece translates. The cumulative total of translated books
since the Caliph Maa’moun’s [sic] time (the ninth century) is about 100,000,
almost the average that Spain translates in one year.” (Eugene Rogan “Arab
Books and human development”. Index of Censorship, vol. 33, issue 2 April
2004, s. 152-157). “70 percent of the Turkish citizens never read books.”(
<http://en.apa.az/news.php?id=97615> APA, d. 23. February 2009 “70 percent
of Turkish citizens never read book”)


There is no doubt that the widespread Muslim tradition of first-cousin
marriages has harmed the gene pool among Muslims. Because Muslims’ religious
beliefs prohibit marrying non-Muslims and thus prevent them from adding
fresh genetic material to their population, the genetic damage done to their
gene pool since their prophet allowed first cousin marriages 1,400 years ago
are most likely massive. The overwhelming direct and indirect human and
societal consequences have been explained above.

Compassion for the health of future generations should be enough to ban
intermarriage among first cousins. The economic and social consequences are
also important. Such a ban would also lessen Muslim immigration to the West
because many Muslim families would like to be able to continue their
practice of intermarriage in order to live up to cultural and religious
traditions and keep wealth and power inside their families.

A legislative ban on first cousin marriages is a logical and compassionate
imperative for the Muslim world, the EU, and our Western national

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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