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The joke of 'secure Britain': Vile banned militant extremist strolls through 
Heathrow immigration as 200 Somalian criminals are allowed to stay due to human 

*       European Court ruling stems from appeals by two asylum seekers 
convicted of offences including burglary, making threats to kill and drug 
*       Pair were jointly awarded more than £20,000 for costs and expenses 
*       Tory MP: 'These cases quite clearly show that we do not control not 
only who comes in to the country but who we choose to remove'

By  <http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/search.html?s=y&authornamef=Jack+Doyle> 
Jack Doyle

Last updated at 10:08 AM on 29th June 2011


Impunity: Banned radical extremist Raed Salah walking free in the streets of 
Leicester yesterday

Britain's powerlessness to control who has the right to be in this country was 
glaringly exposed last night by two extraordinary cases.

In the first, an anti-Semitic preacher of hate whom the Home Secretary had 
banned from entering Britain was able to stroll in through Heathrow.

Last night, Raed Salah was giving a lecture organised by Islamist radicals to a 
large crowd in Leicester, and today he was due to speak at Westminster at the 
invitation of Left-wing Labour MPs.

In the second, a bombshell ruling by European judges blocked the deportation of 
some 200 Somali criminals back to their homeland.

The Strasbourg court said the men, including drug dealers and serial burglars, 
might be persecuted in war-torn Somalia, and that they must be allowed to stay 
to protect their human rights.

So, irrespective of how  heinous their crimes or the danger they present to the 
public, Britain has no power to expel them.

The ruling by the European Court of Human Rights stemmed from appeals against 
deportation by two asylum seekers convicted  of a string of serious offences 
including burglary, making threats to kill and drug dealing.

But it will now also apply to 214 other similar cases which have been lodged 
with the court using Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights.

Article 3, which protects against torture and inhuman or degrading treatment, 
is an 'absolute' right, meaning that it applies regardless of the offences 

The two men, who were both granted thousands in legal aid to fight their cases, 
will now be released from immigration detention centres and will be free to 
walk the streets.

They were jointly awarded more than £20,000 for costs and expenses.

Critics accused the Government of rolling over to the demands of the court, and 
branded the Human Rights Act a 'criminals' charter'.

Backbench Tory MP Douglas Carswell said: 'The pathetic truth is that we do not 
have control over our borders, and these cases quite clearly show that we do 
not control not only who comes in to the country but who we choose to remove.

'My constituents do not want any more mealy-mouthed promises about getting a 
grip on this – they want to know what the Government is actually going to do.

'Successive governments have given all the promises on immigration you would 
expect of a second-hand car salesman. Ministers now need to start actually 
delivering on real promises and real control over our borders.'



Fury: Tory backbencher Douglas Carswell, left, and UKIP MEP Gerard Batten have 
slammed the Government over its refusal to act to secure the UK's borders in 
the face of EU human rights law

UK Independence Party MEP Gerard Batten said: 'It is the absolute duty of the 
British Government to protect the lives and property of British citizens.

'If foreign nationals prey on people here they should be sent home to where 
they came from – no ifs, no buts.'

He added: 'For the European Court of Human Rights to give Britain orders is bad 
enough; knowing that the Government will roll over to their demands is worse.

'This decision confirms that the Human Rights Act is a criminals' charter.'

The case involves two Somalis whom ministers intended to return to the Somali 
capital, Mogadishu, because of their serial offending.

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Abdisamad Adow Sufi, 24, entered the country illegally in 2003 using a fake 
passport. He claimed asylum on the grounds that he belonged to a minority clan 
persecuted by the Somali militia.

His claim was rejected by officials and an appeal tribunal said his account was 
'not credible'.

Since then he has amassed a string of convictions for offences including 
burglary, fraud, making threats to kill, indecent exposure and theft.

The second Somali, drug addict Abdiaziz Ibrahim Elmi, 42, was granted asylum in 
1988. Since then he has committed crimes including handling stolen goods, 
fraud, robbery, carrying a replica gun, perverting the course of justice, theft 
and dealing heroin and cocaine.

Attempts to deport him began in 2006 and his appeal was rejected by an 
immigration judge. A deportation order was stayed in 2007 pending the outcome 
of his Strasbourg case, and since then he has been convicted of possessing 
Class A drugs and charged with drug dealing.

The panel of seven judges ruled that because the level of violence in Mogadishu 
was so high there was a real risk of the men coming to harm.

In a unanimous judgment, the court also rejected the argument the men could 
leave the capital and return to safer parts of the country.

The judges said Sufi could not join his relatives because they lived in an area 
controlled by a strict Islamic group. If returned, he could face punishment 
according to their code – also a breach of his rights.

He would also be particularly vulnerable if forced to live in a refugee camp 
because of his 'psychiatric illness', the court said.

Elmi claimed he would be at risk of persecution if he moved to an area 
controlled by the same group, because he wore an earring, which might lead to 
them thinking he was gay.

If they found out he was a drug addict and thief he could face amputation, 
public flogging or execution, he said.

The court ruled he had no experience of living in a strict Islamic area because 
he has been in this country for so long and would therefore be at risk of harm.

The ruling said: 'The court reiterated that the prohibition of torture and of 
inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment was absolute, irrespective of the 
victims' conduct.

'Consequently, the applicants' behaviour, however undesirable or dangerous, 
could not be taken into account.'


A joke: Prime Minister David Cameron and Home Secretary Theresa May stand in 
front of passport control at Heathrow Terminal 5

The case will seriously hamper further attempts by ministers to deport foreign 
criminals, failed asylum seekers and illegal immigrants back to Somalia. Last 
year just 35 were kicked out.

Around two thirds of the 214 other cases are thought to involve criminals. 
Others are failed asylum seekers and illegal immigrants.

A UK Border Agency spokesman said: 'We are very disappointed with the European 
Court's decision and are considering our legal position.

'This judgment does not stop us continuing to pursue the removal of foreign 
criminals who commit a serious crime, nor does it find that all Somalis are in 
need of international protection.'


Too violent: This 1995 file photo shows the Somalian capital Mogadishu


Banned extremist begins speaking tour - but where are the police?



On tour: Banned extremist Raed Salah giving one of his firebrand speeches

An Islamic extremist who is supposedly banned from Britain delivered a speech 
to a packed hall in the Midlands last night. 

Raed Salah, who is accused of 'virulent anti-semitism', strolled through 
immigration checks at Heathrow Airport on Saturday, despite being excluded from 
the UK by the Home Secretary.

Since then, he has evaded police and border officials to begin a speaking tour 
in which he was due to share a platform at Westminster today with Left-wing 
Labour MPs.

Theresa May – determined to be tough on extremists – is furious with blundering 
UK Border Agency staff who allowed Salah into the country, and wants him 
removed as quickly as possible.

Yet, to the fury of Jewish groups, Salah was last night able to address a 
packed hall of 500 British Muslims in Leicester.

The cleric, leader of the northern branch of the Islamic Movement in Israel, 
also addressed an audience at Conway Hall, in London, on Monday evening.

Police were said to be trying to hunt him down, but he was not arrested at the 
event though the power is available to officers if his presence in Britain is 
considered not to be 'conducive to the public good'.


A string of extremist statements have been attributed to Raed Salah, though he 
denies having said many of them. 

He is said to have cast doubt on Osama Bin Laden's culpability for 9/11, 
suggesting instead the attacks were an Israeli plot and that Jews were warned 
not to go to work at the World Trade Center on that day.

On homosexuality, Salah reportedly said: 'It is a crime. A great crime. Such 
phenomena signal the start of the collapse of every society. 

'Those who believe in Allah know that behaviour of that kind brings his wrath 
and is liable to cause the worst things to happen.' 

In 2008 he was charged with incitement to violence and racism by a Jerusalem 
court over a speech in which he invoked what is known as the 'blood libel' – a 
notorious anti-Semitic slur.

In the speech, delivered in February the previous year, he was said to have 
accused Jewish people of using children's blood to bake bread.

At the time, Israeli newspapers quoted him as saying: 'We have never allowed 
ourselves to knead [the dough for] the bread that breaks the fast in the holy 
month of Ramadan with children's blood. Whoever wants a more thorough 
explanation, let him ask what used to happen to some children in Europe, whose 
blood was mixed in with the dough of the [Jewish] holy bread.' 

After the speech the 1,000-strong crowd began rioting and throwing stones at 

Prosecutors claimed the speech was a 'call to commit acts of violence and 
encouragement of acts of violence' and anti-Semitism. Salah denied the charges, 
and was not convicted.

He was released from prison in 2005 after serving two years for raising 
millions of pounds for the Palestinian terror group Hamas and for having 
contact with an Iranian intelligence agent.

Officials are now waiting to see if a hugely embarrassing appearance at 
Westminster, originally scheduled to take place alongside three Labour MPs, 
will go ahead today. 

The MPs have been told by party managers they must not share a platform with a 
man who is banned from the UK. The event has been moved from the Commons to an 
undisclosed venue.

The involvement of the Labour MPs is a blow to Ed Miliband, limiting his 
opportunity to make political capital from the fiasco.

Mrs May, who has just launched a new strategy promising to come down hard on 
extreme views, excluded Salah from travelling to the UK last week.

But last night his spokesman described how he strolled through border checks 
which were supposed to identify that he was on a list of banned fanatics.

Lubna Masarwa said: 'This is not the first time the sheik has come to the UK. 
He came on a scheduled flight from Tel Aviv to Heathrow on Saturday June 25.

'He presented his passport. He was asked only a couple of questions about the 
purpose of his visit.' 

The spokesman added: 'He denies all claims that he is anti-Semitic.' 

The failures of UKBA and the decision of Labour MPs to share a platform with 
him  provoked fury.

Mark Gardner, on behalf of the Jewish groups the Board of Deputies and the 
Community Security Trust, said: 'The Jewish community will be dismayed by the 
apparent failure to prevent Raed Salah's entry to the UK.

'We deplore those MPs and other public figures who promote this man and thereby 
undermine the Government's anti-extremism efforts.' 

Conservative MP Mike Freer, who accused Salah of 'virulent anti-Semitism' 
earlier this week, said: 'The UK Border Agency has made a very serious error in 
letting this man walk through passport control.'

Yvette Cooper, Shadow Home Secretary said: 'The Government's rhetoric of being 
tough on border controls has just been exposed as an incompetent sham.'


His friends on the Left


While the Raed Salah shambles is a bitter blow to the UK Border Agency, it is 
also a huge embarrassment for the Labour Party, three of whose MPs were 
planning to share a platform with the fanatic.

The trio led by Jeremy Corbyn, one of the party's most Left-wing MPs, were 
intending to speak alongside Salah at a House of Commons debate today. 

Richard Burden, a former union activist, and Yasmin Qureshi, Labour's first 
Muslim woman MP, were also due to participate. 




Salah's friends on the left: From left, Labour MPs Jeremy Corbyn, Richard 
Burden and Yasmin Qureshi

The event, which has now been banned by the Commons authorities, was being 
hosted by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, whose patrons include Labour MP 
John Austin, Mr Corbyn, Tony Benn, and ex-union baron Rodney Bickerstaffe. Bob 
Crow, the arch-Left leader of the RMT, is also a member. In other words, it is 
an organisation dominated by Labour and union figures.

Abraham Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League said: 'It is disturbing that 
anyone would give an audience or even a modicum of credibility to Raed Salah, 
an extremist who has a long history of anti-Semitism and inciting violence 
against Jews.


Embarrassment: Labour leader Ed Miliband will have difficulty giving the 
Government a hard time over letting in a banned cleric welcomed by his MPs

'Anyone seriously interested in his opinions on peace in the Middle East is 
either ignorant of who Salah is or, worse, condones his anti-Semitism.'

Jennifer Gerber, director of Labour Friends of Israel, told the Jewish 
Chronicle: 'In inviting an individual who reportedly repeated blood libel 
claims, it seems the PSC, and the MPs sharing a platform with him, regard these 
views as acceptable.'

Mainstream Labour MPs were horrified, while the MPs involved are understood to 
have been told by party managers they must not share a platform with Salah.

Ed Miliband, whose father fled to Britain in 1940 to avoid persecution by the 
Nazis, will now find it harder to attack the Government over the fiasco.

For the UK Border Agency to have failed to spot a known fanatic whom the Home 
Secretary had banned from Britain only two or three days previously is the 
height of farce.

However, should Mr Miliband seek to taunt David Cameron over the blunder, he 
can expect the reply to be short  and to the point: Your MPs wanted  him here!


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