All muslims lie, all of the time.




Unmasking A False Friend of the West: Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury

by Brenda West (July 2011)

Can we admit that we have been scammed?   Many of us in the Western world
believed the Bangladeshi journalist and publisher, Salah Uddin Shoaib
Choudhury, when he called himself a "Muslim Zionist." Choudhury presented
himself as devoted to Jewish people and Western principles of democracy. He
won international acclaim and generous financial support as one of the few
Muslims who affirmed our values by playing on the hopes and fears of the
West in the post 9/11 world. However, this in-depth investigation reveals
that he has been exploiting his supporters and is creating national security
risks for both Israel and the West.

The Legend of Shoaib Choudhury

An earnest fan club has gathered around Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury. His
image was of a noble, highly moral person who was willing to face
imprisonment and death in support of minorities, especially Jews, in his
Muslim rule country. In November, 2003 Choudhury defied a ban Bangladesh had
placed on its citizens preventing them from traveling to Israel, and was
arrested. Choudhury was on his way to a media conference in Tel Aviv
organized by Dr. Ada Aharoni, the head of a group called the International
Forum for the Literature and Culture of Peace (IFLAC). Very quickly, word
got out to an American friend, Richard Benkin, with whom Choudhury had been
communicating by email and telephone for almost a year. Through Benkin’s
intercession, the Internet was soon awash with Free Choudhury petitions and
articles denouncing his imprisonment and demanding his release.

An international movement was born, and Choudhury was eventually released
from prison on bail. In the United States, Choudhury won endorsements from
Congressional representatives Mark Steven Kirk, Nita Lowey, Peter King,
Joseph Crowley, and Anthony Weiner. They pushed through Congressional
Resolution 64 in 2007 to demand that the Bangladeshi government drop all
charges against Choudhury and no longer insist that he show up for court
appearances; the European Parliament took a similar action in 2006, as did
the Australian Senate in 2007. A Canadian Member of Parliament and
international lawyer, Erwin Cotler, provided pro bono representation.
Choudhury received a cash award from the Prince of Monaco at a ceremony
attended by Holocaust survivor and author Elie Wiesel in 2007. Many Israeli
newspapers and institutions sang his praises with weekly articles. The Wall
Street Journal carried admiring articles about him, as did many other
newspapers, and bloggers flooded the Internet with their awe stricken
appreciation of what looked like Choudhury’s dedication to Western
humanistic principles. He was a celebrated lecturer at Yale University,
Rutgers, and the American Jewish Council, among others.

Choudhury’s fame brought him donations from well-funded institutions such as
the Middle East Forum and the Hudson Institute, as well as from many
individuals. With a gentle, charming manner and a gift for empathy,
Choudhury inspired respect, love and even adoration among many. For those
concerned with antisemitism, there was a rush to be part of the “in” group
that knew about the Shoaib saga, almost like the frenzy that developed
around Bernie Madoff when some Jews, trusting Madoff because he was one of
them, competed for status in gaining access to the Great Man. As if held in
a kind of hypnotic spell, the collective media first of the Jewish community
and then of the larger Western world failed to heed many disquieting
rumblings about Choudhury from his Bangladeshi compatriots, those who knew
him best. 

The Legerdemain of Choudhury- His Hidden Islamist And Criminal Past

The spell was broken for me when I realized he had defrauded
>  two of his most devoted female, Zionist supporters of large sums of

After viewing the documents involved, the New York Police Department charged
Choudhury with Grand Larceny via Fraud. Not only did he bounce three checks,
break a contract, and send countless email promises to repay that were never
kept, but Choudhury founded the business relationships on an elaborate
deception. He tricked the women by inventing elaborate stories about the
businessmen he was dealing with – a Mr. Yun, David Jones, Sagir Ahmed Bhai –
to convince the defrauded women that their money was involved in legitimate
transactions.  But the problem is, the associates never existed. For over a
year, Choudhury maintained these ruses. When the women wrote that they
suspected fraud, Choudhury threatened to sue them for slandering his good
name. Furthering the deception, and demanding their continued trust, he
created elaborate email exchanges between the women and the fabricated
associates. The fake partners wrote to the women that they thought the world
of Choudhury on both a personal and a professional level. 

Choudhury mailed one of his victims an obviously counterfeit check, signed
by the fictitious David Jones, by way of indicating that he would pay her
when the check was cashed.

A close look at the check shows that the city and the bank do not exist, and
the numbers do not make sense.  The money was never paid to the women who
trusted him. It is one thing to meet with business reversals and need more
time to repay a loan made in good faith. But if the entire premise of the
loan is dishonestly conceived, then the transaction is a fraud. Choudhury
appealed to his Zionist friends’ sympathy by claiming he could not get a
regular bank loan because he was persecuted due to his support of Israel.
This claim turned out to be dubious. 

Choudhury operates a shady website called Jethro Conglomerate
<> , for which a scam alert
<>  has been posted by an
organization that regulates the business dealings of the commodities
Choudhury sells. (In case you are curious or are impressed with Choudhury’s
interest in things Jewish, Jethro is the Hebrew word for Choudhury’s
preferred moniker, Shoaib.) Choudhury states on the Jethro Conglomerates
website that he represents a company called Noca <> .
Noca itself does not seem legitimate. It is not licensed. It provides no
information about who owns or runs the company. The representatives
<>  they do list could be of interest to law
enforcement. The Noca site says it is located in Canada but it gives an
unpublished Nevada phone number. There is an odor of mobster activity
connected with this enterprise, as well as Choudhury’s involvement in it. As
we shall see in Choudhury’s published resume, Choudhury worked closely with
the indicted mobster, Aziz Mohammed Bhai, who fled Bangladesh in 2009 to
avoid imprisonment for various charges, including murder.

Amazingly, for all the nearly eight years that Choudhury has been in the
international eye since the well-publicized arrest in 2003, no one has
bothered to check on his biographical data. Most of this information is
clearly posted in his resume on the website
<>  owned by Richard Benkin,
and can also be seen on   Choudhury was born in 1965 and has
said elsewhere that he attended Saint Joseph’s College in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
He claims to have gone on to graduate from a Master’s program in journalism
at the London School of Economics in 1989, and then worked for the Soviet
news agency Itar-Tass from 1989 – 1995, quickly rising to the top by
becoming its chief correspondent in 1993.

Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury’s Official Resume

Professional History

1989-1993:      Correspondent, Itar-Tass News Agency(Russia)

1993-1995:      Chief Correspondent, Itar-Tass News Agency(Russia)

1995:               Special Correspondent, The New Nation (English language,

1995:               Translator (Bangla): The Rise and Fall of Pahlavi
Dynasty by

(Iranian) General Hossain Fardoust; Iranian Embassy, Dhaka

1995-1999:      Founder and Managing Director, A-21 TV , Bangladesh’s first
private television channel,

1999:               Bangladesh government (Awami League) forcibly closed
A-21 TV after coverage of opposition news.

1999:               Charged with sedition, imprisoned, and tortured.
(October 10, 1999)

2001:               Released from prison and all charges dropped.(January
10, 2001)

2001-2002:      Special Correspondent, Daily Inqilab, Dhaka, Bangladesh

2002:               Partial Owner, Managing Director, Inqilab Television

2002:               Removed from office, shares seized after refusing to
attend Inqilab sponsored and organized pro-Saddam Hussain, anti-US rally in

2002:               Founded Weekly Blitz (May 2002)

2003-2005:      Charged with sedition, imprisoned, and tortured after
writing articles warning Bangladeshis of the rise of Islamists, urging
Bangladesh to recognize Israel, and advocating religious equality and
interfaith dialogue; and after attempting to travel to Israel. (November 29
2003 – April 30, 2005)

The first part of this history is totally made up and the rest is spun to
hide things he would rather you not know about. First of all, Choudhury did
not go to college. A Google search shows that Saint Joseph’s was only a
secondary school until it added on a college wing in 1999, long after
Choudhury would have been there. Choudhury claims to have earned a Master’s
degree in journalism at the London School of Economics in 1989. However,
correspondence with them revealed that they did not have any kind of media
program in 1989, and they never heard of Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury at
all. The administrators at the London School of Economics were very
diligent, even searching by the complete birth date known, January 12, 1965,
but nothing came up for him. Similarly, an email and telephone exchange with
Itar-Tass, and a very thorough search on their part, revealed that not only
had they never heard of Choudhury but they never had a branch in Bangladesh

So what was the young Mr. Choudhury doing from 1983 or so, when he would
have presumably graduated from high school, until 1995? That leaves about
twelve years unaccounted for. What does appear on his resume as the next
work record, after an alleged brief stint at the New Nation newspaper, is a
deep involvement in Islamist activities. Choudhury’s own record states that
in 1995 he worked under the tutelage of the Iranian Embassy. Iran had
already become a regime of theocratic mullahs that called the United States
the Great Satan and Israel the Little Satan. Choudhury’s job was translating
The Rise and Fall of Pahlavi Dynasty, written by former general Hossain
Fardoust, an Iranian contemporary of Shah Pahlavi, and Ali Akbar Dareini, a
reporter for the Associated Press. As you will remember, Shah Pahlavi was
the last monarch who ruled in Iran before the mullahs took over. 

There is no doubt about the veracity of the next leg of Choudhury’s Islamist
sojourn because it was well noted by the outspoken secular anti-Islamists of
the day, outraged as they were by the actions Choudhury took against them.
He worked for A-21TV and a newspaper called the Daily Inquilab. What
Choudhury does not tell us is that these outfits were run by the most
malevolent men in Bangladesh at the time, which would be known to anyone who
either lived in Bangladesh or who had studied its politics. One was an open
Islamist while the other, a Mafia don, worked with people who supported
Islamists. While Choudhury does admit that he was formerly an Islamist, he
does not tell his foreign supporters what that entailed.

A brief note about Bangladesh’s history is in order. In 1971, Bangladesh was
born out of an especially bloody war of liberation from Pakistan, which had
declared itself an Islamic Republic. The emerging nation, formerly known as
East Pakistan, had its own language and a practice of Islam that was
syncretized to some degree with the practices of its Hindu and Christian
minorities. The Bangladeshi revolutionaries wanted to be free of the
fundamentalist interpretation of Islam practiced by Pakistan. They chose
instead a society that would still be Muslim yet would also be secular,
allowing for a more equitable treatment of their large non-Muslim
population, unlike Pakistan’s practices. Opposing the revolutionaries was an
old guard in Bangladesh known as nationalists that rejected separation from
Pakistan, mainly because it would water down the practice of Islam. Their
Mullahs (Islamist religious leaders) taught that it is a sacred duty for
Muslims to kill kafirs (non-Muslims). The nationalists cooperated with the
Pakistani army and a state of civil war ensued. Over three million
intellectuals, university professors, professionals, journalists and others
who wanted a secular state were massacred by the old guard fundamentalists.
Countless women were raped and captured as sex slaves, and many homes and
business were either appropriated or destroyed. Hindus suffered the brunt of
the persecutions. As many as ten million Hindus fled to India, and their
continuing exodus is depopulating Bangladesh of its indigenous population
even now. United States officials in Bangladesh at the time referred to
these slaughters as genocide. Mass graves are being discovered even to this
day. The Bangladeshis who violated their own people in the name of Islamic
fundamentalism were never brought to trial. The issue of whether or not to
prosecute and punish the men who orchestrated the atrocities is still
unsettled, constantly roiling Bangladesh’s unstable governing processes. 

The men Choudhury worked with are considered war criminals who orchestrated
these massacres of their fellow countrymen. Choudhury does not tell you this
in his resume, but his partner and financial backer for his A-21 TV project
was Aziz Mohammed Bhai, known as one of the supporters of the mass murders
of Bangladeshi intellectuals who fought for the independence of their
country from Islamist Pakistan. Bangladesh authorities believe Bhai has
close ties to the Aga Khan Foundation
ep-capture-of-america-and-some-clues-as-to-the-once-and-future-cataclysm/> ,
a charity front group for Iran’s Revolutionary Guard whose mission is to
spread the Islamic revolution of Iran, and they also believe that Khan
conspired with an Al Qaeda tied terrorist to assassinate people he
considered to be enemies of the jihad. Bhai’s connections go deep and wide,
tying him in with Russian mobsters, North Korea, and Iranian President
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
Bhai is also widely known in Bangladesh as a Mafia style mobster who has
been charged with international smuggling
<,%20> , drug dealing
> , and embezzling large amounts of money from banks. Here we see how
Choudhury’s contact with Islamists in the Iranian Embassy may have lined him
up for further associations with a person tied to the Iranian Revolution, as
well as to organized crime. When Bhai was charged in 2009 with the 1998
murder <>  of Bangladesh’s
leading actor, whom he saw as an apostate for being an outspoken critic of
the war criminals, he fled the country and is now living in Malaysia.
According to his own resume, Choudhury was working closely with Bhai at the
time of the murder.

In 1999 Choudhury tells us in his resume that he went to prison for sixteen
months for “sedition.” But he does not say what was involved. What happened
was that he had been planning to broadcast programs violently opposed to the
philosophy of the secular Prime Minister, Sheikh Hasina of the Awami League.
Choudhury would have entertained guest speakers such as the gruesome war
criminal Moulana Delwar Hossain Saidi
<> .
(Moulana means prayer leader.) Saidi informed Pakistani troops
about the whereabouts of resistance fighters so that he could confiscate
their property and sell it very brazenly in open markets for a profit. Long
after the War of Liberation was over, Saidi was in the habit of giving hate
talks <>  in which he
would say things like, “Why should we feel sad when our Hindu brothers chose
to leave our country? Do we mourn when we have indigestion and materials
leave our body?” 

The Awami League interfered with the A-21 TV channel’s plans to broadcast
inflammatory programming that could destabilize the country. In retaliation,
Choudhury launched a cyber campaign to kill Prime Minister Hasina, her
family, and other members of her government. Fortunately, he was apprehended
before any harm came to his intended victims. Choudhury’s death threats are
confirmed by a senior level police officer from Bangladesh who traced the
threatening email messages to Choudhury’s email address. This official, who
asked to have his name withheld, was instrumental in arresting the criminal.
According to Choudhury’s resume, he was imprisoned for sixteen months. 

Choudhury was released from prison for making death threats when the
government changed in 2001. This is the correct reason why “all charges were
dropped,” as Choudhury states in his resume, refuting his unwarranted
implication that the charges were found to be groundless. When the
Bangladesh Nationalist Party came to power, opposed as they were to the
secularism of the Awami League, Choudhury’s threats against the life of the
secularist Awami League were viewed in a different light, and Choudhury
sprang back into action. Now he went to work for the Daily Inquilab, a
seriously Islamist media outfit. When questioned by his American audience
about why he worked for such philosophically repugnant people, Choudhury
says the economy was bad and he needed the money, but that he himself was
just a happy go lucky fellow who had no special affinity for the Inquilab
message. In fact, Choudhury explains, he (a married man) brought his
girlfriends there and drank alcohol in his office just to show them that he
did not share their values. That excuse seems hard to buy, considering his
previous ardent commitment to Islamism and the fact that surely Inquilab
would have checked him out very carefully before hiring him. These fellows
were no lightweights. Funding came from Osama bin Laden and Sadaam Hussein,
according to Choudhury, who boasted in the Blitz about his credibility as a
counter-terrorism expert because of the seriousness of his previous

Inquilab was owned by Maulana Abdul Mannan, an alleged mastermind behind the
slaughter of intellectuals and professionals during Bangladesh’s War of
Independence <> , according to the NY Times
<> .
The now defunct Inquilab organization is believed to have also been funded
by the fundamentalist group Jamaat-e-Islami, the South Asia equivalent of
the Muslim Brotherhood in the Middle East, and the most powerful Islamist
party in Bangladesh.  While true to the core values of Hasan al-Banna, the
Muslim Brotherhood’s founder, the leader of Jamaat, Maulana Moududi
i%20and%20Islamic%20Militancy%20by%20Shahriar%20Kabir.pdf> , softened the
face of this hard core group for the sake of political expediency. Thus, men
who were committed to Jamaat did not have to wear beards, and we have no
photographs of Choudhury in a beard.  Even though female leadership was
generally considered invalid, Jamaat accepted a woman, Khaleda Zia, as the
leader of a political party that expressed most of their views. As the widow
of the assassinated president and former army chief, Ziaur Rahman, she was
allowed to lead his old party, the Bangladesh Nationalist Party. 

Choudhury’s passion for Islamism came through in the fights he picked with
non-believers. Hindus at the time of his Inquilab involvement were - and
still are - having their property legally but very unjustly seized by
Muslims under the Vested Land Act; Hindus were – and still are - raped,
beaten, murdered and their temples are destroyed. Choudhury had not one word
to say in defense of Hindus. Rather, he called them Malouns, which
translates politely as, “someone who has sexual relations with his own
sister.”  During his two year stint with Inquilab, Choudhury regularly
insulted secularists. One of the worst insults this soon-to-become a Muslim
Zionist could think of at the time was to call someone an agent for Mossad,
the Israeli intelligence agency. This epithet was hurled at Shariar Kabir
<> , a notable human rights activist, well
respected among other secularists and intellectuals, while he was imprisoned
for protesting the unjust treatment of minorities. Choudhury’s barbs are
authenticated by having been published in Inquilab, according to multiple
Bangladeshi sources.  

Choudhury appears to have been perfectly aligned with his brothers in the
Islamist movement, but this job ended too. So what went wrong? He was fired
for stealing from them. Choudhury’s Inquilab employers accused him of
embezzling about $3,000 that they gave him to buy television equipment.  He
upped the ante by counter claiming that they owed him $1,000,000 for shares
stolen from him. The fact that he invested that much money in an
organization he later claims to have had no affinity for just does not add
up. We will see later how this might have affected his airport arrest in
2003, the event that put him on the international map. But first, let us
look at the material Choudhury has published since his release in 2005. It
will help us gain a new perspective on the 2003 airport arrest.

Where Does Choudhury Really Stand In The Political World?

Although Choudhury likes to promote himself as the only Muslim Zionist in
the world, it just is not so. The Italian Sheikh Prof. Abdul Hadi Palazzi
<>  established a group in 1997 that has quietly –
without drama or requests for money – been teaching that Muslims should
accept Israel as a Jewish state, according to the scriptures of the Koran.
Choudhury joined the group and was given a place of honor, which was later
rescinded when Sheikh Palazzi learned about the swindles. He booted
Choudhury from his group and posted a notice to that effect on his website,
which reads in part, “It has recently come to our attention that Salah Uddin
Shoaib Choudhury, whom we thought shared our pro-Israel sentiments for noble
reasons, has been opportunistically defrauding at least two of his devoted
Jewish supporters…”

Choudhury never made peace with the secularists in Bangladesh after his
re-invention of himself as a Muslim Zionist. He simply ignored them, and
held himself out to be the only brave voice speaking out against Islamism in
Bangladesh. Due to insufficient attention given to the secularists in the
Western press, an impression arose that Bangladesh was seething with
violence towards dissidents, and utterly lacking in awareness of democratic
values. That becomes really laughable when one reads the online Bangladeshi
English press, such as The Daily Star
<> ,  The Independent
<> , and many others. While not strong
advocates of establishing diplomatic relations with Israel, these papers run
front page editorials against Islamists. In fact, the Daily Star still
archives several articles supporting Choudhury's point of view
<> , a
journalistic courtesy he never extends to them, calling the Daily Star
terrible names for not fully accepting his agenda. Previously, the Daily
Star ran an editorial saying that while they do not share his political
convictions, they hope he gets a fair trial. Not to say that Bangladesh does
not have serious issues with democratic processes, but if we listen only to
Choudhury, we think that he alone is staving off the forces of repression in
Bangladesh. Just in terms of demographics, that is impossible. Since about
twenty percent of the population is non-Muslim, we can expect that about
twenty percent of the journalists in Bangladesh will be non-Muslim and
pursue an agenda that is not Islamist. According to a Bangladeshi source,
about ninety nine percent of the journalists in the country are against the
Islamists. Googling Bangladeshi newspapers, one finds many online English
journals and the tone is remarkably like that of mainstream American

There is a network of political writers, most of them with graduate degrees
and many with teaching positions, that is rich in both numbers and
sophistication. They have been committed to democracy and equal rights for
minorities from the beginning of their careers, unlike Choudhury. For
example, just on the first page of the Bangladeshi based blog known as
e16.htm>  one finds at least sixty secular and humanist intellectuals,
including Ali Sina, Syed Kamran Mirza, Abul Kasem, and Alamgir Hussain. They
write in English, and who knows how many more write in the same spirit in
Bangla. The well- known Ibn Warraq, born in India/Pakistan, also writes for
them. Another anti-Islamist blog held in high esteem is Faith Freedom
<> , which was started by a group
of Bangladeshis. Some members of these groups have spoken out boldly in
protest against the Muslim world’s treatment of Jews and Israel. Choudhury
was never a part of these groups, and never acknowledged the support some of
their members gave to Jews and Israel, although many of their pro-Israel
writings pre-date his dramatic attempt to fly to Israel.

Although Choudhury may act as if there are no centrist Bangladeshi
intellectuals, he is not above stealing their work. Writing under the
assumed name of Sunita Paul,
<>  he
lifted five whole paragraphs from a mainstream journalist, Mashuqur Rahman.
Choudhury then wrote a slew of articles under the name of Sunita Paul that
argued for protecting the Islamist war criminals of 1971. This dangerously
inflamed public opinion against the Awami League, and could have incited the
destabilization of Bangladesh. Plagiarism appears to be a consistent trait
of Choudhury, whether he is writing under the name of Sunita Paul or under
his own name of Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury. Picking out just one example
among many, here is an article that Choudhury plagiarized. 


 <> Choudhury
wrote on May 27, 2010 at


At this time, the largest mosque and cultural center in Manhattan is The
Islamic Cultural Center of New York. This $17 million dollar center opened
on April 15, 1991, just after the First Gulf War ended. Since September
11th, 2001, a number of controversial statements have came from at least two
of the Center's leaders, both of them blaming the Jewish population for the
attacks and denying any Muslim involvement. 




Compare this with Stefanie Schappert's

earlier paragraph on May 25, 2010 at the


Currently, The Islamic Cultural Center of New York is the largest mosque and
Islamic cultural center in Manhattan.  The $17 million dollar center opened
on April 15,1991, just after the First Gulf War ended. Since September 11th,
2001, a number of controversial statements came from at least two of the
centers leaders, both of them blaming the Jewish population for the attacks
and denying any Muslim involvement.


You will see that only minor changes were made to the text of this

Choudhury’s Newspaper Publishes Islamist, Communist And Anti-West Material

The weekly Blitz’s banner declares it is “THE ONLY ANTI JIHADIST NEWSPAPER
NONE BUT GOD.”   Yet the Blitz’ actual publishing practices belie those

The Blitz published an article by an openly Islamist writer, someone who
backs the terrorist group Jamaat-e-Islami
iberal.”>  that murdered millions during Bangladesh’s war of independence.
On March 31, 2010, the Blitz ran a very disturbing article
n>  by an Islamist professor, Dr. Mohammed Saidul Islam, urging that the
trials of the war criminals either not be done at all or done in such a way
as to protect the war criminals.

This is simply amazing. Jamaat-e –Islami is the same group that was
responsible for the massacres of the 1971 war, and that is quite open about
their goal of implementing Sharia. Jamaat-e -Islami was even listed as a
terrorist group by Choudhury in his self-published book, Inside Madrassa,
pg. 264-266.[1]
st_id=3#_ftn1>  Choudhury must have been so impressed by the dangerousness
of this group that he simply repeated the section on it, word for word,
paragraph for paragraph. (More likely, it is yet one more example of very
sloppy editing in this self-published book, and may even have been a mistake
due to an over application of Choudhury’s cut and paste style of
authorship.)  Dr. Islam, when contacted, identified himself as an assistant
professor of Sociology at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore,
with a Western education, and acknowledged that he is the author of an
article Why Hizab is Criticized in the West
<>  commending the wearing of
the hijab as a counter to Western capitalism. The article appeared in a
journal, Dakuk, that was launched by pro Islamist Bangladeshis, most of whom
live in the U.S.  Dr. Islam writes, “Islamic way of life (they call it
fundamentalism to instill a notion of stigma and negativity) offers an
excellent form of lifestyle, which is totally free of extravagance,
hedonism, exploitation, and consumerism. However, these are the inherent
characteristics of capitalism.”  Destroying capitalism, seen as a decadent
product of the secular West, is a primary objective of Islam(ists) as they
move towards their goal of creating a caliphate, as will be seen in this
Hizb ut-Tahir video <>   promoting a
seminar, “Fall Of Capitalism And Rise Of Islam.” Let me be clear. Choudhury
ran an article by an Islamist, without comment, who defends the terrorist
group Jamaat and aligns himself with the goals of an additional terrorist
group that wants to smash capitalism and create a caliphate.

Choudhury took the side of the Islamists in an uproar over a cartoon
ury.html> mocking Mohammed in a Bengali newspaper, the same sort of thing
that happened with the protest over Danish cartoons in September, 2005. In
September, 2007, the editor of the Bengali daily Prothom Alo published a
relatively innocuous drawing about Mohammed. Instead of taking the
opportunity to defend free speech and to advance religious tolerance,
Choudhury actually went so far as to urge that the publisher of the cartoon
be arrested for “blasphemy.” This is clearly showing a preference for the
fundamentalist Islam that Bangladesh fought its war of independence to be
free of.

On the other hand, Choudhury regularly publishes a Nepalase writer, Dirgha
Raj Prasai
> , who calls Christianity and America demonic forces. Prasai does approve,
however, of the nationalistic part of the Maoist movement.  What is not
generally known in the West – and what Choudhury does not spell out for us –
is that in South East Asia Maoists and Islamists often join forces to fight
their perceived common enemy of Western capitalism. Prasai would like to see
elation.>  spread to the rest of the area

Without any provocation, Choudhury attacked Maronite Christian Brigitte
Gabriel, founder of ACT!forAmerica, one of the leading national
organizations concerned with protecting America from Islamist infiltration.
Using yet one more pseudonym, Choudhury ran an article in his newspaper that
made bizarre, unsubstantiated charges, such as, “(she) even secretly gives
encouragement to her ACT comrades in funding murder of Jews and Muslims
<> .”

Starting on September 10, 2010, we see over twenty-five articles singing the
praises of North Korea. Some of these articles are authored by the North
Korean embassy
<>  in
Bangladesh. These articles are designated as ‘supplements,’ indicating that
they are paid advertisements. However, other articles promoting North Korea
are written by men with Anglo names who write in a style quite reminiscent
of Choudhury’s, unmistakable for its misuse of English syntax. We do not
know what financial arrangements have been made for these articles. Let us
keep in mind that North Korea has trade agreements with Iran that include
selling Iran nuclear materials.  Iran has vowed to destroy Israel as “the
little Satan” and the U.S. as “the big Satan.” We are reminded of
Choudhury’s acknowledged ties to Iranian Islamists through the book he
translated for the Iran Embassy.    

What about Israel? Promoting and protecting Israel is supposed to be the
Muslim Zionist’s raison d’etre.   Choudhury has run only four articles on
Israel since the start of 2011. What he has ignored are a series of traumas
Israel suffered during the spring of 2011: a devastating fire, possibly
arson, that raged through the Carmel forest in December, 2010;  the Fogel
family massacre in Itamar, Israel, on March 12, 2011;  the talks between
President Obama and Prime Minister Netanyahu in May, 2011, which were
front-page news for other publications because many viewed them as
threatening Israel’s very survival as a Jewish state; and Delta Airlines
announcing it will bar Jews and Israelis on some of its flights. Yet
Choudhury ran an article on May 25, 2011 promoting Ron Paul
sense> , who has consistently taken anti-Israel positions as a senator and
made many anti- Jewish comments.

Let us keep in mind that Choudhury’s first default on loans from his Zionist
supporters (at least, that we are aware of) was in November, 2010.  The
second was in March, 2010. Could it be that Choudhury realized that Jewish
funds would dry up once his theft became well known and so he is turning now
to other foreign populations to finance him?  

Choudhury Is Feared And Despised Among His Own Countrymen

Choudhury would be hard put to find work among his own Bangladeshi people to
support him in the manner to which he has become accustomed. I have
communicated with numerous Bangladeshis, both ex-patriots in the US and
Bangladeshi citizens in their own country. Here is a compilation of what
they say about Choudhury:  “Total liar and cheat. Opportunist. Very evil. A
common criminal – he belongs in jail. Womanizer. He lives like a prince so
why does he need to borrow money? Double agent. A secret Islamist collecting
money under cover of being for Jews and Israel. A pay for hire journalist.
You people in the West are too good to realize how bad he is.” An official
at the Bangladesh embassy described him as a “total fraudster” and confirmed
that Choudhury was generally despised in Bangladesh for his dishonesty. As
one Bangladeshi blogger wryly put it, “Many close observers of this
ury.html>  think he was the best con man Bangladesh could ever produce.”
Choudhury took advantage of the inscrutability of the Internet to gull the
Western world into thinking he was the exact opposite of what those who know
him close-up have to say about him.

Choudhury’s Conversion From Anti-Jewish To Pro-Jewish Does Not Make Sense

When asked about how he changed his mind from an anti-Jewish position to a
pro-Jewish one, he replied that after he worked with Russian Jews at Tass,
he got to like them. But this makes no sense! As you will remember, the Tass
reference he gives on his resume turns out to be bogus. Besides, even if he
had gotten to know Jews at Tass from 1989 to 1995, by his own account he
went directly to work in 1995 with virulently anti-Jewish people at A-21 TV,
followed by Inquilab. That would mean that right after meeting Jews and
liking them, Choudhury went to work against them. Choudhury was brazen
enough to tell another lie about his resume while being videotaped at a
speech he gave at the Yale Initiative for the Interdisciplinary Study of
Antisemitism in October, 2009. He had himself introduced as earning a
Master’s degree at the London School of Economics, which we have shown to be
untrue. Then Choudhury went on to tell a tall tale about the oppression of
the Jewish community in Bangladesh. He claimed that a community of 3,500
Jews was so oppressed that they were not allowed to have their own synagogue
or cemetery and had to use the facilities of the Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Choudhury even went so far as to solemnly intone that the antisemitic
Bangladeshi government would deny those figures but that he, a special
friend of the Jews, will speak out on their behalf. You can watch this at
the 1:36 minute mark on this video <> . When I fact
checked this with Bangladeshi associates, they broke out laughing.  “But
there are no Jews in Bangladesh,” they told me. This was confirmed by a
well- established religious organization dedicated to the welfare of the
Jewish people worldwide. After doing a thorough search of their
international records at my request, they reported that they are not
familiar with any Jews or Jewish community in Bangladesh. Adding to the lack
of credibility about Choudhury’s much proclaimed change of heart regarding
Jews, he has written not one word explaining his feelings or thoughts about
going from extreme Jew hating to extreme Jew loving. Yet he is a man who
writes thousands of words a week, some of them about his inner world, as in
this piece <>  about
not being able to attend his mother’s funeral because he was imprisoned.

Another Look At The 2003 Arrest Story

But, you will ask, what about the famous arrest at the Dhaka airport in
2003? What about all the suffering Choudhury endured afterwards? Did he not
act selflessly for Jewish people?

I suggest to you that Choudhury made a reasoned choice to jump start a new
leg of his career by contriving to get himself arrested for trying to visit
Israel. My take on this is shared by Sajjad Jahir
shoaib.html>  and other Bangladeshi writers. Choudhury’s income stream from
his employer, Inquilab, was cut off when they accused him of stealing from
them. So he would need another source of money. 

The men at Inquilab were Islamists with mobster ties. They would deal
harshly with someone they believed defrauded them. According to Bangladeshi
journalist Saleem Samed, an Ashoka <>
fellow, who has a blog called Bangladesh Jihad Watch, collecting money in
Bangladesh through a civil law suit is not very likely to happen.
Consequently, creditors resort to other means, such as seizing the thief and
forcing him to hand over the money. Prison might have been safer for
Choudhury than being out on the streets. Choudhury was no stranger to
imprisonment. He had been locked up sixteen months previously for
threatening to kill the Prime Minister and those associated with her. Prison
was something he knew he could endure. Investing time in another prison term
would be the equivalent, for him, of spending time at a junior college in
order to open up future job opportunities. 

Choudhury’s photograph at the top of this article reveals him smiling in a
self-satisfied way at the moment of his arrest. Who smiles when they find
themselves unexpectedly overtaken by police, and arrested? Most people would
be scared, angry or ashamed. Choudhury’s happy expression upon being
arrested is very suspicious.  However, the photograph served a purpose for
him and he made sure it reached his potential backers. He emailed the
photograph to Dr. Ada Aharoni, the organizer of the Israeli conference. When
I spoke to her on June 15, 2011, she expressed anger at being duped into
helping Choudhury fool the rest of the world, after he had invited himself
to the conference. Dr. Aharoni disclosed that Choudhury asked her to help
publicize his planned departure for Israel by announcing it to officials.
She stated that Choudhury told her he had already written to officials about
his departure. In addition, he asked her to write to the ambassador of
Singapore stating his travel plans and asking for the ambassador’s
permission to travel through Singapore to Israel. He knew travel to Israel
was forbidden, so why did he announce his travel plans to government
officials unless he wanted to be arrested? How is it that an associate of
his was there at the ready to snap a picture of the arrest? Could the
picture taker have been his brother and ever present business partner,
Sohail, the same person who counter-signed the bogus contract Choudhury
wrote to one of the women he defrauded? Dr. Aharoni says that she had
immediate doubts about Choudhury when she saw the smiling photograph of his
arrest, but gave him the benefit of the doubt based on her sympathies for
his professed support of Israel. At any rate, it was not the travel ban
itself that Choudhury was imprisoned for. That was a petty matter, penalized
only by an eight dollar fine. Rather, he was charged with sedition because
objectionable documents were found on his person as he traveled. This too
looks like he was asking to be arrested. Choudhury could easily have scanned
the documents that were critical of the Bangladesh government and emailed
them to his Israeli contacts.  

Choudhury went to Israel looking for money, although he denies asking for
funding. A December 2003 Israeli news story
<>  states
that Choudhury was found with a "project profile seeking a fund of TK 12
crore," or approximately US$193,000. The money seeking part of his arrest
story has since been dropped from subsequent articles as he has come to be
seen as an uncontested hero with noble motives. However, money seeking has
been part of Choudhury’s interactions with his fans for a long time after
the arrest. Choudhury tells the world that he is called into court every two
months or so after his release on bail. At times he puts out urgent notices
to his fans that he could be executed at his next court appearance. For
example, in March, 2010, he wrote to an American friend that he was sure he
would not be taken back into custody when he appeared for his next trial
date, and that for a long time nothing at all has happened when he shows up
for pro forma court appearances. Yet six months later, on September 22,
2010, he sent out an urgent press release stating that he was going back to
trial on October 5, 2010 and could be executed. He asked for support, which
implicitly means money. Concerning his safety, he wrote to the same American
friend in February, 2010 that he had to pay for a bodyguard all the time and
that it was expensive. Yet when his friend Richard Benkin visited him for
several days in 2007, at a time when the political climate would have been
hotter, not cooler, he reported seeing no bodyguard with Choudhury. Even as
I write, Choudhury is making another false claim
n> , repudiated by Bangladeshi journalist Saleem Samad, that the government
is harassing him by not permitting him to leave the country. His pose as an
endangered and deprived hero has brought him a handsome living over the

Six years after his release from prison, Choudhury publishes freely. No one
denies him the right to express himself. In fact, his media interests are
expanding to the cinema. His latest use of media is producing a movie called
“Black” that is supposed to protest Islam’s oppression of women. That is
highly ironic, considering his emotionally crafted exploitation of female
financial victims, and the many online comments calling him a womanizer seen
about-self-styled-muslim-zionist-shoaib-choudhury/>  and in other places.

Did Choudhury’s attempt to break Bangladesh’s ban on travel to Israel have a
good impact? Probably not.  According to an article
<>  in an Indian
newspaper on June 25, 2003, five months before Choudhury set off to break
the travel ban, Bangladesh was considering recognizing Israel anyway.
Bangladesh’s motivations were twofold:  to gain more trade concessions from
the U.S. and to further world peace. The secularist Awami League, the one
that Choudhury has usually been at odds with, was for recognizing Israel
while the communists were against it. The uproar caused by Choudhury’s quasi
attempt to travel to Israel actually may have set back the cause of
recognizing Israel. Bangladeshis resented being manipulated by someone they
pegged as a charlatan who could nevertheless pull in the big guns of naïve
American intervention. If Choudhury’s true motive were eliminating the
Bangladeshi government’s ban on travel to Israel, why did he not challenge
the ban before he tried to travel to Israel and why has his defense not
challenged it since? Instead, the defense has relied on the prosecution not
being able to bring forth a witness. But that makes no sense. Choudhury
admits that he was at the airport trying to travel to Israel. The issue
should not be whether or not he was breaking the ban, but the legitimacy of
the ban itself. That would help other people who want to travel to Israel as
well as him. Yet for all his so called heroism, Choudhury has not contested
the travel ban itself.

Choudhury: A Clear And Present Danger

His publication, the WeeklyBlitz, supports regimes that threaten his own
country, the region, and the world. 

Bangladesh is a gateway to terrorist ambitions in the area. It has been off
the radar in terms of receiving the world’s attention as a potential hot bed
of terrorism. Militant groups like Jamaat ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB) and
Jihad-i-Islami Bangladesh (HUJI-B) and even al Qaida are growing there in
relative security, taking advantage of the breathing space offered them by
the indifference of the Western world as they consolidate their strength and
plan for outreach. Note that Choudhury gave his support to the banned HUJI-B
party <>  by
attending the Iftar dinner in September, 2008. From Bangladesh, jihadis can
easily spread their influence to surrounding countries. India is especially
vulnerable. Bangladesh is a tiny country surrounded almost completely by
India. These long borders are porous, giving jihadis an opportunity to enter
India from Bangladesh and undermine the largest non-Muslim ruled democracy
in South East Asia. From India, jihadis can then be positioned to
consolidate forces with fundamentalists in Pakistan and Afghanistan. As we
have seen, Choudhury is now supporting North Korea, the nuclear buddy of
genocide seeking Iran, which has vowed to destroy both Israel and America.
Additionally, Choudhury is showing support for other communists in South
East Asia, withdrawing support for Israel, and allowing wild hatred to be
expressed in his newspaper towards Christianity and the United States.
Relying on a fraudulent platform of being a great friend of the West, he
continues to take money from supporters, both as voluntary donations and as
grand larceny via fraud. Where this money goes is a mystery – an alarming

Also very troubling are Choudhury’s ties to Islamists, Mafia type criminals,
and dictators in Iran. The FBI is aware that terrorists, mobsters and
dictators, although they may have different ideologies, will do business
with each other in “grey markets” where they can raise money for their
nefarious purposes. Choudhury may be operating in the area of grey markets,
which can be either on the ground or online. As we have seen, Choudhury has
had and still has ties to all three categories of these antisocial persons.
His website, Jethro Conglomerates, has been flagged as a scam operation, and
this should be further investigated. Choudhury has shown that he is skilled
in using the Internet for criminal activities: the death threats made
against Prime Minister Hasina, the many deceptions involved in creating and
maintaining the myth that he is a persecuted friend of the West, the
defrauding of the two Zionist women, and now Jethro Conglomerates. What we
have seen so far may be just the tip of the iceberg, and I hope authorities
investigate Choudhury’s activities thoroughly.

To date, none of the well-known American figures who made Choudhury famous
have responded when they were told directly about his financial crimes. They
could have publically withdrawn, or even modified, their uncritical support
for him. By failing to do so, they are continuing to empower an individual
who is harmful on many levels. 

Since writing the first part
>  of this series on Choudhury, I have received numerous emails from
Bangladeshis fed up with Choudhury’s many years of chicanery. They are not
Islamists or anti-Zionists, as Choudhury would like to say, dismissing
anyone who criticizes him. Rather, they ask me not to let Choudhury’s
hateful actions poison inter-faith relations. What breaks my heart is that
they are afraid to speak out because they see Choudhury protected by
American diplomatic forces, and under that cover, getting away with all
manner of offenses. How revolting that that our government’s power would be
misused to protect evil.  It must end.

Brenda West is an occasional commenter on the political scene. She can be
reached at 


st_id=3#_ftnref1> [1] 2009, Blitz Publications, Dhaka, Bangladesh

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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