Muslims are trying really, really hard to be the victims, and the media are
trying really, really hard to make their wish come true.

September 24, 2011

Islamizing the Hospitals: Muslima Cries "Religious Discrimination" after
Hospital Refuses to Engage in Gender Discrimination 

More demands and special accommodations for Islamic supremacism in the
workplace -- this is nothing more than forcing, imposing Islam on the
secular marketplace.

Muslim Convert Janice Brown Cries
tml> "Religious Discrimination" after Hospital Refuses to Engage in Gender
Discrimination Answering Muslims

Muslims are trying really, really hard to be the victims, and the media are
trying really, really hard to make their wish come true.

Janice Brown is a convert to Islam. Based on her reading of the Qur'an, she
believes that it would be a sin to take off her clothes in the presence of a
male doctor. Hence, when she needed treatment for hemorrhoidal bleeding, she
requested a female doctor. The hospital, however, refused to discriminate
based on gender. That is, they refused to seek out a female doctor for Brown
when a perfectly capable male doctor was available. The result? Brown is now
claiming that, by refusing to discriminate against a doctor based on gender,
the hospital discriminated against a Muslim based on religion. The media are
supporting her, and the hospital is launching an investigation.

Now for the hilarious part. In the video below, Brown quotes from the Mohsin
Khan translation of Surah 24:31 to explain why she can't take off her
clothes in front of a male doctor. Apparently, no one over at Fox News
bothered to read the entire verse when they decided to take Brown's
discrimination claim seriously. The verse reads:

And tell the believing women to lower their gaze (from looking at forbidden
things), and protect their private parts (from illegal sexual acts, etc.)
and not to show off their adornment except only that which is apparent (like
palms of hands or one eye or both eyes for necessity to see the way, or
outer dress like veil, gloves, head-cover, apron, etc.), and to draw their
veils all over Juyubihinna (i.e. their bodies, faces, necks and bosoms,
etc.) and not to reveal their adornment except to their husbands, their
fathers, their husband's fathers, their sons, their husband's sons, their
brothers or their brother's sons, or their sister's sons, or their (Muslim)
women (i.e. their sisters in Islam), or the (female) slaves whom their right
hands possess, or old male servants who lack vigour, or small children who
have no sense of the shame of sex. And let them not stamp their feet so as
to reveal what they hide of their adornment. And all of you beg Allah to
forgive you all, O believers, that you may be successful.

Notice that this translation commands Brown to cover her face (except for
one or both eyes). Yet when she's being interviewed for her anti-Muslim
discrimination clip, she wears a simple hijab:


Notice also that the translation she quotes never says it's okay for female
doctors to examine her. The Mohsin Khan translation only allows certain men,
Muslim women, female slaves, and children to see Brown's "adornment." Hence,
her request to the hospital should have gone something like this:

"I need to see a doctor. But I will only allow a doctor to examine me if the
doctor is my husband, or my father, or my husband's father, or my son, or my
husband's son, or my brother, or my brother's son, or my sister's son, or my
sister in Islam, or my female slave, or an old male servant who lacks vigor,
or a small child. And if you do not provide me with such a doctor, you are a
hate-mongering, Islamophobic bigot who is discriminating against my

On a side note, I have to ask a question. What's more disturbing: (a)
letting a trained male medical doctor treat your hemorrhoidal bleeding, or
(b) letting your son, your stepson, your nephew, old men, and young children
look at your vagina? According to Brown, (b) is perfectly acceptable, while
(a) is an abomination.

Strange religion she converted to. 

Muslim Woman: Hospital Mocked Her Faith:

FOXNEWS--A Muslim woman says she was forced to leave Abington Memorial
Hospital without the care she needed, after a hospital staffer insulted her

Janice Brown, 25, is a convert to the Islamic faith. And she suffers from
periodic hemmoroidal bleeding, dating back to the birth of her daughter.

Late Thursday night, that bleeding led brown to the emergency room at
Abington Memorial.

Brown says she'd called ahead, verifying that she'd be examined by a female

As a Muslim, it would be a sin for Janice to allow a non-related man to see
her uncovered genital region.

But once inside the examination room, she was greeted by a man.

"The charge nurse came in- his name was James, though he went by Jim- and he
told me that Abington Hospital does not discriminate and I'm not allowed to
choose a preference whether i see a male doctor or a female doctor," says

The hospital's own web site includes a list of patients' rights that
includes the right to medical and nursing services without discrimination
based upon religion.

Janice's sister had joined her and confronted told the charge nurse.

"'You're asking her to go against her beliefs and commit sins because you
don't want to find her a female doctor," she said.

And he said, 'I'm sure god will forgive her.'"

"I don't know if it was more of a mocking thing coming from the charge
nurse- for him to tell me, 'oh, God's gonna forgive you.' You're not the one
to make that decision in my life," says Janice Brown.

Brown says she stormed out and ultimately drove 45 minutes to another
hospital, where she was treated without incident by a female physician.

She got home at 4 a.m.

"I think it's just a form of ignorance, basically. People not knowing or not
taking the time to know or educate themselves about other religions so they
can be sympathetic," said Brown.

Read the rest here.

Posted by Pamela Geller on Saturday, September 24, 2011 at 02:55 AM in
Mosqueing the Workplace
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icefalcon <>  said... 

Is it just me, or is it weird that she has her hijab in a knot over a
modesty issue, but she's telling the world about her hemorhoid? If I had
that problem, I would certainly not go on TV and announce this.

Here on the South Side of Chicago, this kind of behavior is known as
"showing one's a$$."

Reply <javascript:void%200>  Sunday, September 25, 2011 at 10:11 AM

Truth Seeker said... 


I think that Ms. Geller is a champion doing champion's work in the world,
but I think that on this issue, she's made a mistake. Mind you, if the
translation of the Koran that she quotes is correct, then Ms. Geller does
have some nice jabs at Ms. Brown. But even though Ms. Geller landed some
jabs, the fight goes to Ms. Brown on this one. Discrimination is one of two
things: treating similarly situated people differently or treating
differently situated people similarly. Examples of the former: prohibiting a
black person from drinking at a "white" water-fountain. There is no reason
to distinguish in this situation based on skin color. I'm sure that most
Atlas readers would agree that affirmative action is also an example of this
kind of discrimintaion (as would I) -- the amount of melanin in one's skin
is not a distinguishing factor in academic ability or any other
college-related ability (melanin does make a difference, say, in blocking
some of the sun's rays). Examples of the latter type of discrimination:
giving a father the same amount of time for paternity leave as a mother --
these people are differently situated (she had the baby, for cryin' out
loud) and thus ought to be treated differently. Same would go for
limitations on, say, women in the fire department perhaps -- statistics can
show that men and women, generally, are differently situated when it comes
to things involving physical strength, and since such things are relevant to
being a firefighter, it would be discrimintory to treat men and women the
same vis-a-vis the fire department. Having said this, a male medical
professional and a female medical professional are NOT similarly situated --
there is a difference depending on the patient -- and it is thus not
discrimnation to treat them differently. Generally speaking, we think it's
relevant and reasonable to separate men and women when it comes to exposure
of private parts, both physical and emotional. We expect separate restrooms
for men and women, separate locker rooms, and perhaps find it normal if a
woman would prefer a female therapist to a male. It seems to me completely
reasonable for a woman to request a female medical professional, for
religious reasons or otherwise. Plus, it seems as if Ms. Brown (if we can
believe the reporting) called ahead to the hospital to ensure that she would
be treated by a woman. Sorry, I have a hard time understanding why the
hospital is in the right to say it would be discrimination to tell the male
practioner that he is not allowed to see the private area of a woman who
does not desire such. The male is not like the female in this instance. It
is certainly not discrimination to tell the man to stand aside when there is
a female patient (in fact, it is conceivable that a male practitioner could
argue that it would be discriminitory to force him to care for female
patients should he desire not too!). 
In any case, I think it is important to highlight issues about Islam (and
there are many) that are truly clear-cut and beyond the pale. In the war
against encroaching Islam, the war effort is undermines when we pick battles
over issues that are not egregious at best, or that in fact put Islam in the
right at worst. I'm afraid that this issue is one where "Islam" is right. We
have to be intellectually honest here. (I am happy to be shown in error, by
the way -- I just don't see it at this point). 

Reply <javascript:void%200>  Sunday, September 25, 2011 at 09:11 AM

Stephen Rohaty <>  said... 

Abington is one of the richer suburbs of Philadelphia, so they can afford to
fight this attempted extortion. Tactics? A Private Investigator can learn
where she goes for Friday prayers. See her imam. ASK if she violated HIS
teachings by prancing about with her naked face WITHOUT a male relative. If
she so sinned, ask him how many lashes he will give her. If her imam is not
that orthodox, place an ad saying, roughly, "Orthodox imams wanted. Huge
witness fee!" Their EXPERT testimony will get her case kicked out of court,
even if it's presided over by a mohammadan judge.

Reply <javascript:void%200>  Sunday, September 25, 2011 at 07:56 AM

Liana Gabriel <>

Well she definitely displayed her modesty by declaring her name,her medical
issue and pict to the media for the whole world to see.
Grab that 15 mins of fame to be forever remembered as the muslim chick with
a bloody butt.There's modesty,dignity and self respect Islam style for ya,it
goes out the window when a chance to sue pops up. was a reoccurring medical condition ,not a sudden onset nor life
threatening .

2.then she had a regular Dr. who diagnosed the condition .She should have
called that physician. was not an emergency if she could walk out,drive to two hospitals,make
demands,argue,,waste 45 mins between hospitals and sit in the waiting room
until her demands were met.

4.emergency rooms are not for demanding personal attention,special requests
or preferential treatment .They are for life and death EMERGENCIES .

5.if someone that was critically ill or injured died while the hospital
wasted time on her selfish demands,she should be sued.

Reply <javascript:void%200>  Sunday, September 25, 2011 at 02:00 AM

JB said... 

To the initiator of this blog... I read from that version of Quran for the
sake that it should be read in English. The Arabic Quran does not have
parenthesis that put people's interpretations of the previous sentence.
There is NO obligation to the Muslim woman to cover their face. The Quran
explains the meaning of the hijab in which the hair, neck, and ears should
be covered and that she should be dressed modestly. I could have chosen to
not wear the hijab at all in which I would still wear pants and long sleeve
shirts in order to adhere to a modest dress. I love how everyone is all of a
sudden an expert in the Islamic religion since this story aired. Regardless
of how you feel about Muslims wanting to be given exceptional treatment, I
am an AMERICAN. A citizen of the USA in which I am entitled to the same
rights as any other American regardless of how I dress. Any woman should
have the right to be examined by a female doctor. You complain that Muslims
are always drawing attention and trying to sue and blah blah blah well it's
nice to see it's working. I clearly have received the attention of everyone
who responded to this ridiculous blog!

Reply <javascript:void%200>  Saturday, September 24, 2011 at 11:45 PM

Radegunda said in reply to JB... 

Study some history (not just Islamic fables). Muslims have been trying to
force everybody else to follow Islamic rules (or pay tribute) for just about
1,400 years. There are neighborhoods in London where the Muslims put up
signs saying "this is a sharia zone" -- even though they're supposed to be
governed by British law. In Scandinavia, "infidel" women sometimes shroud
themselves so the Muslim men won't rape them.

If you think you joined such a wonderful "religion," see what happens if you
decide you want to convert out of it. 

Reply <javascript:void%200>  Sunday, September 25, 2011 at 03:39 AM

Liana Gabriel <>  said
in reply to JB... 

No one care what a book says,what you believe or wear.No one cares what
religion you are.That is not the issue.

The issue is not citizenship.

You can see women Dr.'s all you want.Pick up the phone book and call one or
look in your insurance book.Call your female OB/GYN,primary care Dr.

An EMERGENCY ROOM is for life threatening medical conditions.People in car
accidents,stroke victims and people bleeding to death do not enter a
hospital and place their order for nurses and physicians like a
cafeteria.Someone with an injured child doesn't review Dr's by sex,race or
religion to treat their child.

I have suffered a hemorrhage and i promise you this case was not a medical
emergency or crisis.You selfishly wasted valuable time that Dr.'s may have
needed to save an injured child's life.It is irresponsible
,childish,obnoxious and self-indulgent to act like your religious ideals
supercedes everyone else's rights to medical treatment .

You got attention all right.Now everyone can laugh at how ridiculous you
are.Next time have your slave put ice on your ass.

Reply <javascript:void%200>  Sunday, September 25, 2011 at 02:32 AM

RacerJim said in reply to Liana Gabriel
<> ... 

Liana Gabriel,

Thank you for the plain and simple truth of the matter.

Reply <javascript:void%200>  Sunday, September 25, 2011 at 09:45 AM

Bronson said... 

"no sense of the shame of sex"

That about sums it up.

Reply <javascript:void%200>  Saturday, September 24, 2011 at 09:31 PM

rufnkiddinme said... 

holy fn crap!!!!
"not to reveal their adornment except to their husbands, their fathers,
their husband's fathers, their sons, their husband's sons, their brothers or
their brother's sons, or their sister's sons, or their (Muslim) women (i.e.
their sisters in Islam), or the (female) slaves whom their right hands
possess, or old male servants who lack vigour, or small children who have no
sense of the shame of sex. "

i think they left out el gamal, the raufies AND the pork 51 mosqueteers 

Reply <javascript:void%200>  Saturday, September 24, 2011 at 08:11 PM

Alice <>  said... 

So, apparently it IS OK for her to be naked in front of old men and little
boys...according to the Qur'an...

Reply <javascript:void%200>  Saturday, September 24, 2011 at 07:05 PM

mk750 said... 

FYI, most very religious JEWISH women would object for the same reasons. 

Reply <javascript:void%200>  Saturday, September 24, 2011 at 01:40 PM

Jamadagnii <>  said in reply to mk750... 

Judaism teaches that rules can and should certainly be broken when a life is
at stake. There would be no objections if this was a medical emergency, just
gratitude for the skill and care by the physician.

Furthermore Orthodox Jews go about their lives following their customs
without demanding sensitivity or accommodations from non-Jews.

FYI I happen to know the Abington area and you won't find nicer or more
generous or tolerant people, which makes this story even more offensive. 

Reply <javascript:void%200>  Saturday, September 24, 2011 at 04:44 PM

RacerJim said in reply to Jamadagnii <>

Nice, generous and tolerant people are Muslims' favorite prey. 

Reply <javascript:void%200>  Sunday, September 25, 2011 at 09:56 AM

Tom Billesley <>  said... 

"....old male servants who lack vigour"
It's no secret how arab slave traders supplied male "servants" who lacked
I doubt if intact male doctors on the ER staff would want to undergo the
required procedure. 

Reply <javascript:void%200>  Saturday, September 24, 2011 at 12:28 PM

madmath1 said... 

Of course the doctor insulted her religion. Allah never forgives.

Reply <javascript:void%200>  Saturday, September 24, 2011 at 12:05 PM

Oracle said... 

Mrs. Jan Brown is probably having anal-sex with her Muslim husband, which is
adversely contributing to her rectal bleeding and pain.

Muslim men are allowed to sodomize their wives, concubines, and sex-slaves
as they desire.

Muhammad ibn Abd'Allah (a.k.a. Prophet Muhammad) decreed that homosexuals
must be killed immediately after the initial discovery of their homosexual
acts. But, sodomy is not prohibited in Islam. As readers of this website are
aware, clitorectomy of women is also widely practiced in various Islamic

When a Muslim man continues anal-sex with a female partner, the woman starts
to experience severe pain due to sore bottom and bleeding from her rectum
after multiple episodes of anal-sex.

In all likelihood, newly converted Mrs. Jan Brown's Muslim husband is
sodomizing her too often. 


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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