In a message dated 4/28/03 4:31:23 AM, writes:

<< I think it's a perception that "this sort of stuff doesn't belong in this
context." But my limited experience has shown me that "this stuff" is exactly
what sparks creativity, builds bridges and turns things around.

I remember, years ago, leading a workshop on communication skills and
creative problem solving for an electric utility.  At the end of an exercise
on talking about feelings, the engineering manager said emphatically that he
did not see any need for speaking of his feelings at work.

The next day, the group was working to resolve a conflict about the use of
company vehicles outside of working hours, and they were not making much
progress.  Then one of the linemen stood and said, "I go to work every day
scared, because I know that if something goes wrong at the top of a pole, I
could die.  I don't have a problem with the managers driving their company
cars home--if I am in trouble, I want to know the manager can call someone
right away and get help."

The engineering manager said, "If someone is in trouble, I want to
immediately call an ambulance, an emergency crew, and call Bonneville Power
and have them cut out the power to the county."

The lineman said, "Would you really cut off power to the whole county?"

The manager replied. "Absolutely.  Until I know just what the problem is, and
where, I want the power off.  Someone's life is way more important than
keeping the lights on."

And at this point, it became very simple to find a solution to the supposed


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