Hi Juliane,

yes, the meeting at Bebelplatz seemed to be "boring" on a superficial 
level, but I felt a "sacred space". I know that a lot of peopls complained 
about the separateness of the speakers from the crowd. But clearly, the 
setup, bringing these 112 folks together, didn't allow for another 
choreography, for more physical closeness. Mind you, there was a security 
issue as well - many of these people that were present are certainly on 
the target list of their secret services back home, let alone CIA, Mossad, 
what have you. The alternative is no alternative - to put them into a 
closed space, with lots of bodyguards.

I reiterate - the significant event did not take place on the Bebelplatz, 
the round table was just the symbol of the process, an earthen symbol 
of "the world speaks". What was striking was the real life thingy on the 
web, followed by tens of thousands of people simultanously. 

As consultants we always say that a question is an intervention. These 
were 11200 interventions into the global system - this should have a 
butterfly effect, or not? and by the way, I love people who live their 
dreams, like the guy who set that whole thing up and found sponsors (very 
controversial, indeed, the main sponsor being Allianz Versicherungen).

The technology worked until afternoon, I was preparing my best Bolognese 
ever and had my laptop with speakers in the kitchen to watch it. Don't 
know whether the technology broke down, but this is rather a challenge for 
understanding how technology can benefit communication in the Global 
Village, and for how to improve. I am looking forward to see all the 11200 
statements on the Web.

What was the motto? "Once you have seen it, it can't be unseen." (or 
something like that)

Disfruta Argentina, carinosa Juliana.

Un fuerte abrazo,

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