Poetry Contest September 2006



And now, dear colleagues, I invite you to sample, visit and taste three
poems which have been submitted for our poetry contest.  


My invitation was to write a poem which


relates to O p e n   S p a c e in some way, and.


.includes, reflects upon, honors or uses.t h e   s e n s e s 

(sight, sound, touch, hearing, taste and / or any other senses you wish to



I give you each 5 virtual stickie-dots to spend.    You may place all dots
on one poem, or some on each, vote for yourself or another -- however you
would like to spend them to mark your sense of which poems speak to you.  


Please send me an email at lisah...@openingspace.net to tell me how you have
placed your virtual dots for each numbered poem.


I will collect your messages this week; on Friday (California USA time) I
will count and report back to you which poem has received the most dots and
therefore which poet (all will be revealed) will be our next Poet Laureate
(* explanation below for those of you who are new on the list) for the


And now.take a breath.and.begin.










the symbols ring


the voices sing


the space opens


my heart follows


the day unfolds


... behold!










The sense of things


I have seen the texture of space
felt the sound of silence, falling in a wide open offering
tasted hesitancy and the sweetness of light
touching time 

we sense into the most astonishing places together, you and I
into the tight cracking of possibility
screaming for release

we let the humour of despair rest on our tongues,
choke our eyes with tears and scour our nostrils
with tendrils of acrid smoke.

we walk together in circles
dizzy with the sensation of silent music
anxious that the soft holding
be strong enough to withstand the wails of pain and joy
that accompany liberation

I have seen the music of leadership
arise to dance with chaos;

watched the bitterness of hunger
fade into the dark recesses of the palette;

heard the smooth and cool surface of flow
course through networks of veins;

tasted the colour of peace:
its pure yellow flavour flecked with crimson notes;

smelled the birth of worlds and the shifting of lives;
in ever opening space.











Diving Deep





Diving Deep

Are you ready?

No I mean. 

Are you READY?


The time is now

Hold my hand

Together we dive

Into the river of heart and soul


The water is deep and quick

All there is to do is trust the flow

Struggling makes no sense though

We don't know where the river goes


The choice is clear



Wait a minute Let me catch my breath










* The OSLIST has a Poet Laureate who invites and/or offers poetry to the
OSLIST; often about Open Space but also about other things.  I have had the
honor of wearing the tiara of Poet Laureate for the past 6 months or so -
you can see my various poems in the archives under 'Found Poem'.  As our
poetic reign lasts about 6 months, it is time for me to pass the tiara to
our next Poet Laureate by - as is our tradition - hosting a restricted form
poetry contest.  Stay tuned to see who our next Poet Laureate will be.







Cheers, Lisa



L i s a   H e f t

Consultant, Facilitator, Educator

O p e n i n g  S p a c e

 <mailto:lisah...@openingspace.net> lisah...@openingspace.net

 <http://www.openingspace.net> www.openingspace.net 




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