wow, Christine, thanks!
The first day went fine - in the OS-meeting this afternoon(OST -
Issues&Opportunities)the participants talked a lot about opportunities they
see to cooperate in working with OST within their organization - exciting!
Warm regards

> -----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
> Från: OSLIST []För Christine
> Whitney Sanchez
> Skickat: den 21 september 2006 06:19
> Till:
> Ämne: Re: OS training tomorrow (X-posted OS/GC lists)
> Dear Thomas,
> I am very excited to hear about your work with the schools!  At the OSonOS
> by the Sea, I met a new OS community member who is a school superintendent
> (the guy in charge of the whole school district in one of the towns in New
> Jersey).  He is seeing the potential for Open Space as one of the methods
> for transforming the schools.  And here you are, across the
> Atlantic, about
> to train OS facilitators to work in the Swedish schools.
> I am holding the space with you, dear Thomas, and send warm
> wishes to the 20
> people who are fortunate enough to be learning from you.
> Sending you balmy autumn breezes from sunny Phoenix and a big hug,
> Christine
> Christine Whitney Sanchez
> KAIROS Alliance Inc.
> 2717 E. Mountain Sky Avenue
> Phoenix, AZ  85048
> 480.759.0262
> -----Original Message-----
> From: OSLIST [] On Behalf Of Thomas
> Herrmann
> Sent: Wednesday, September 20, 2006 1:44 PM
> To:
> Subject: OS training tomorrow (X-posted OS/GC lists)
> Dear friends in Genuine Contact and Open Space or whatever Tomorrow I will
> start the first day of facilitating an OS-training for 20 people working
> within the schools in a large city here in Sweden. Perfect preparation
> before going to Raleigh for the OSonGC for trainers and the following
> OSonIAM. Please hold the space with me! I hope this will spread OST
> throughout the schoolsystem in this area - it is so much needed!
> Warmest regards & Good Night
> Thomas Herrmann         Phone +46 (0)709-98 97 81
> Open Space Consulting   Fax   +46 (0)300-713 89
> Pensévägen 4
> 434 46 Kungsbacka, Sweden
> Email:
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> * Handledning av effektiva och kreativa möten och konferenser
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> * Coaching för organisationer i förändring
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