Tenneson – Very good point! 


“What is the real harvest? It includes the experience of silent presence,
the glimpse into that deeper work. We humans offer some of this. And, my
sense is that there are many other realms that we invite into this silent
presence – the land, the winds, the waters, the ancestors, the future
waiting to be born….”


Silent Presence is powerful, but it is even more powerful when shared. And
in those wonderful moments when a whole group gets to that “place” – that is
truly awesome, in my experience. As an Open Space unfolds, I typically look
for two tell-tale signs of progress. The first is the sound of laughter,
particularly if the occasion is very serious and/or highly conflicted. I
don’t mean the sort of nervous laughter that occurs when people are hiding
from whatever is really going on, but genuine, from the belly, laugh that
occurs when the moose (elephant, kangaroo) under the table is at last pulled
out from hiding and folks can see the humor of it all, along with all the


The second “Tell-Tale” is silence. Or more exactly, an easy presence with
silence. Somehow it seems to have become an article of faith with those who
facilitate groups, as well as those who hire the facilitators – that nothing
is going on unless there is a constant chatter and motion. And when it seems
that both chatter and motion are in abatement, the cry goes out to “Raise
the Energy Level.”  At such times I have had sponsors come up to me with
very pained expressions and the awful words of failure on their lips.
Something is wrong they say – We have lost the energy.


On the contrary, I find that EVERYTHING is going on in the Silence and in
fact the energy is far from lost – it is only now flowing as a deep river –
silently. I admit is it sometimes very hard to convince a nervous sponsor of
that, and in fact all argument is pretty useless – until or unless that
sponsor can feel the power of the silence themselves. This can happen, and I
think there are ways we can help. Specifically in the circles of evening
news it doesn’t hurt at all to just let the silence build. Obviously this
cannot be a mechanical, programmatic sort of thing, as in, Now let’s have a
moment of silence – or worse – to schedule a moment of silence. It simply
has to emerge naturally, and it will  -- if we let it.


Our capacity to allow the silence to emerge is, I think, directly related to
our own sense of, and comfort with Silent Presence. If our minds are racing
and emotions churning, the likelihood that we can perceive, let alone invite
the Silence diminishes greatly. 






Harrison Owen

7808 River Falls Drive

Potomac, Maryland   20854

Phone 301-365-2093

Skype hhowen

Open Space Training  <http://www.openspaceworld.com/> www.openspaceworld.com

Open Space Institute  <http://www.openspaceworld.org/>

Personal website  <http://www.ho-image.com/> www.ho-image.com 

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-----Original Message-----
From: OSLIST [mailto:osl...@listserv.boisestate.edu] On Behalf Of Tenneson
Sent: Saturday, October 07, 2006 10:06 AM
To: osl...@listserv.boisestate.edu
Subject: Re: Silent Presence


Thank you for this thread.


Through using OS and other conversational forms, I have found myself
increasingly interested in the harvest. What is the real harvest? There are
usually great words, ideas, plans, actions, flip charts, diagrams, new
partnerships, maybe some music, some dance – lots of good stuff. AND, when I
think of the harvest, it is usually the energy that surrounds those great
words, ideas, plans, actions, flip charts, diagrams, new partnerships,
music, dance and new partnerships that feels so strong. 


Silent presence is woven into this, I feel -- the deliberate intent and
focus on holding the energy of the group. What a great learning edge! The
energetics of sitting in circle, of sitting across from a “mate” to hold
open the deepest possibility and deliberately channel it to the center, of
helping to hold the clarity of container and purpose – this is all part of
this silent presence for me. This is the space for big hearts. It is a gift
to offer this to a group. And it is a gift to receive it from others.


What is the real harvest? It includes the experience of silent presence, the
glimpse into that deeper work. We humans offer some of this. And, my sense
is that there are many other realms that we invite into this silent presence
– the land, the winds, the waters, the ancestors, the future waiting to be


Like others, I’m attempting to find words to describe something I have felt
and seen at deep levels. 




Tenneson Woolf


Dyer Institute for Leading Organizational Change



801 422 2665


The Art of Hosting



801 376 2213



From: OSLIST [mailto:osl...@listserv.boisestate.edu] On Behalf Of louise
Sent: Saturday, October 07, 2006 7:27 AM
To: osl...@listserv.boisestate.edu
Subject: Silent Presence


I am so glad that this Silent Presence comes up. Thank you Harrison. This is
my  experience as OS facilitator. The OS Technology sets the table for it.

This Silent Presence is kind of midwifing to me. Being the midwife of the
group's dreams. Whatever they are and how conscious or unconscious they may
be. And it leaves me in a state siimilar to meditation, for having been in
this space where imagination can be invoked and conveyed to the group. So
their dreams can manifest.

Harrison Owen <hho...@verizon.net> a écrit :

"There is yet another level which I might call "Silent Presence." Somehow
this goes beyond, beneath Intellect and/or emotions. The power of this level
of presence in terms of grounding/supporting a group is profound, I have
found. Don't ask me how it works, but it does."


Harrison Owen
7808 River Falls Drive
Potomac, Maryland   20854
Phone 301-365-2093
Skype hhowen
Open Space Training www.openspaceworld.com 
Open Space Institute www.openspaceworld.org
Personal website www.ho-image.com 
OSLIST: To subscribe, unsubscribe, change your options, view the
archives Visit: www.listserv.boisestate.edu/archives/oslist.html

-----Original Message-----
From: OSLIST [mailto:osl...@listserv.boisestate.edu] On Behalf Of Martin
Sent: Frriday, October 06, 2006 4:04 AM
To: osl...@listserv.boisestate.edu
Subject: Re: Showing up & being present

Hi Michael, Tree, everybody,
I think I sometimes show up, but I'm not really 'present', & this thread
has set me thinking about what the difference might be, especially if,
in open space, I can't demonstrate that presence by appearing to do a
great deal!
I'm early on in my OS practice, & it's just this concoction of mind,
intellect & soul that tantalises me so much.
I've just led an OS in London with leaders in the creative sector here
in the UK, & I really felt that my presence made a difference, but I'm
not entirely sure how! So these conversations really help.
All I can say about this list & all the contributors is that it sustains
my faith in OS, keeping my sprits up, helping me to 'hold the
intention'(thanks to you, Christine Whitney Sanchez for that durable
phrase!)& to continue to develop my practice.
With best wishes from the fells (hills!) of northern England.
Martin Truelove

-----Original Message-----
From: OSLIST [mailto:osl...@listserv.boisestate.edu] On Behalf Of
Michael M Pannwitz
Sent:: 28 September 2006 10:15
To: osl...@listserv.boisestate.edu
Subject: Re: Appreciative Inquiry Course - Teachers College, Columbia U,
Nov. 9/10

Dear Tree,
as usual, your note started me thinking.
Why do I show up on the list?
Showing up is, as I have experienced, the very first prerequisite for 
anything to happen. When nobody shows up not much will happen. Now, 
showing up (which Loretta has certainly demonstrated)does not mean that 
much will happen either (although she has gotten you and me showing up 
and more). Being present is the next stage (more than just my body being

in a particular place now my mind, intellect and perhaps even soul are 
there), interaction starts unfolding, truth might be told, followed by 
the spirit dimension, letting go.
Ok, so why do I show up?
To learn, to contribute, to .... and to market myself and my ideas. So 
its me, my passion and the stuff I'm interested in spreading. I wouldn't

be surprised if some others do that in this manner or similarily, too. 
The way it is intermingled, embedded, part of a whole...it might be part

of our way of being or perhaps even be part of the open space mentality.
So, how are approaches, products, etc. (such as AI) perceived that show 
up on the list "naked" (my assumption is that many of us have no idea of

what AI is, I havent been close to it myself and would not see much of 
it other than that it shows up on this list every now and then and that 
some of those actively participating in the list are enthusiastic about
So, if Loretta is trying to promote something on this list it might not 
be good marketing to do it by only showning up.
Greetings from Berlin

Tree Fitzpatrick wrote:
> Loretta, it is not the custom of the oslist for people to only show up

> when they want to promote a workshop. If you and Bernard participate
> this list as regulars, then I would be happy to learn of your workshop

> but I resist seeing notices lilke this when it feels like you are just

> using the list to market yoursel without meaningfully participating in

> the community.
> On 9/27/06, *Loretta Donovan* 
> > wrote:
> Innovations in Business through a Positive Lens:
> Concepts and Practices in
> Appreciative Inquiry
> Taught by Renowned Instructors:
> Loretta Donovan and Bernard Mohr
> November 9 & 10, 2006, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
> Available for 1.5 CEUs/ non-credit or 1 credit
> Register by Phone at 1.800.209.1245 or Online for Course Code
> 2010.001 at
> pageid=134&PK=771
> What if . . .
> . . . the quality and speed of organizational transformation
> determined by the very questions that we ask? Instead of
> resistance to change?
> . . . companies use inspired action and innovation that
> best practices employees already knew along with their hopes
> ideas for the future?
> Applying David Cooperrider?s framework of Appreciative Inquiry
(AI), an
> exciting and proven approach to transforming business from his
> intensive
> two-day seminar will explore generative approaches to increasing
> business capacity, fostering creativity and strategically
> the work of the corporation.
> AI builds a constructive union between stakeholders and the
> organization
> based on inquiry into past and present capacities: achievements,
> strengths, elevated thoughts, opportunities, high point moments,
> values, traditions, strategic competencies, insights into the
> corporate spirit, and visions of valued and possible futures. This
> ?discovery? is then translated into descriptions of a desired
future for
> the organization and its stakeholders ? which in turn serves as
> basis for the development of the innovations which will most
> move the organization in the direction it seeks to attain.
> This introductory course will focus on the five phases of the
> appreciative process: definition of the strategic need, discovery
> the
> organization?s positive core, dreaming of the environment in which
> excellence will be fostered in the future, design of the
> processes and procedures that embody the principles and strategic
> outcomes, and delivery of the initiatives that will move the
> forward to its new vision. It will highlight examples from the
> manufacturing, services, consumer goods and healthcare industries.
> Attention will be given to factors essential for effective use of
AI and
> preparing for implementation.
> *
> *
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> -- 
> Love rays,
> Tree Fitzpatrick
> . . . the great and incalculable grace of love, which says, wwith 
> Augustine, "I want you to be," without being able to give any
> reason for such supreme and unsurpassable affirmation. -- Hannah
> * * ========================================================== 
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Michael M Pannwitz, boscop eg
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++49-30-772 8000
www.boscop.de www.michaelmpannwitz.de

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Louise Brissette
ipsé, soi-même en latin
un leadership créateur : pour une écologie du travail



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