dear colleagues,

I facilitated an open space and after the participants announced their
issues, while I openend the market-place, I realized my body wasn´t sure
where to stand/go:

I had left the circle and was now in what I call "the room in between":
outside the people`s circle and inside the "line" of the principals;  while
talking I moved forward, so that I stood in one of the aisles, on the line
of the circle and at one point I moved a little back into the circle, but
not very deep; when I ended with the words that from now on everything will
be self-organized, I was back on the circle-line,  before drawing back

I had one moment, when I didn´t feel comfortable, in the beginning of the
market-place, when I stood behind the people, in their back, and one moment
when I felt unsure, when I moved back into the circle.

One reason for this I know: there was not as much space between the circle
and the pin-boards, as is good for my feeling of space and I didn´t
have/take enough time before the beginning of the os to get adjusted.

But this experience raised a general question in me – actually I caught my
mind wandering for a nano-second while opening the market-place, where I
really want to go as the facilitator during this part of the os-introduction
and why; and I realized I couldn´t remember how I and others have done it, I
only had this image in me of a wider circle, a wider space…  –  so, now I am
curious to hear of  the ways you do it, and your thougths about  it.

Greetings from Berlin, where we enjoy a wonderful golden Fall!



Juliane Ade, boscop eg
Hasenheide 9, 10 967 Berlin
T: ++49-30 747 39 622, F: - 623 <>

3rd annual international gathering on
InterActive Organizations
24. - 26. November 2006 in Istanbul

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