
I for one am having trouble understanding what is going on in these
three-hour slots. Could you give a little more detail, please?

For instance, what is a typical invitation theme? What kinds of
conferences have you done these with? What were the results that made
them so good? Do you have a marketplace and wall, one or two sessions?

Thanks, Chris!

                                :- Doug.

PS: I am at # 62 in The Tao of Holding Space. I have to pause after
about every two.... This is great, Chris!

                                :- Doug.

On Sat, 2006-10-28 at 23:33 -0700, Chris Corrigan wrote:
> I have been doing these kinds of events for years, sometimes offering
> what Zelle and Maureen offer as "keynote facilitation."  It works well
> if we have a good plenary speaker and if there is an easy transition
> from the speaker to open space.  If the speaker is cool with what and
> how their speech is being offered it is a great way to stimulate
> discussion.  If not, then it tends to fall flat.  Remember: passion
> and responsibility.  In a conference setting, the passion comes from
> the inspiration of the keynote plus people's individual questions and
> the responsibility rests with each person to take advantage of the
> Open Space to further their learning.  When space is opened fully for
> this "fantastic results" can often follow.  Much depends on the design
> and clarity of purpose for all the components.  Help your sponsoirs to
> see the big picture and make sure the keynotes and the participants
> are clued in to how and why this will work and things will be fine. 
> Cheers,
> Chris


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