My name is Prasad Kaipa and I got introduced to Open Space in 1989 in Goa
where I met Harrison and Anne in addition to many other wonderful people who
continue to be my good friends. I am a physicist by training and actually
taught and researched in physics for seven years (I can't believe it) in
University of Utah. Some time in 83, I shifted to computers and their impact
on education and spent next several years exploring role of technology in
(learning and) augmenting human intelligence. Along the way, I worked in
Apple Computers in International Marketing and in Apple University and
shifted more towards integrating soft and hard sides of business development
through application of learning research.
Open Space Conference in 1989 helped me to see very clearly that my focus on
learning from brain perspective  and psychology and AI perspective to be very
narrow and limiting. For the first time, I stood in the gap between what I
know about learning (and my arrogance) and what I don't even have a clue
about (like the role of heart and spirit in learning, emotional intelligence)
etc. That shifted my focus profoundly and I decided to leave Apple to pursue
my research on learning ---now from a clearer focus: How do people,
individually and collectively breakthrough and go beyond the box that we
continually live and hit against. I was completely at loss as my Ph. D,
experience in the university, brain research, my training in Indian Vedantic
Scriptures and nothing could answer me completely. I got out of Open Space
and came back to US and quit Apple computer not knowing where and what I am
going to do next.
I started Mithya Institute and I knew that I want to continue research into
vedanta, spirituality and translate some of them into current terminology and
apply them in education and business. I also know that I have to earn some
money. So I chose to do consulting for 100 days to earn a living and spend
another 100 days to do original research into integrating all that I know and
that I didn't know. I chose to spend 3 months a year in India to contribute
to my country as well as learn from it.
That is what I have been doing for past 8 years. I work with companies on
learning design, executive development or strategy issues--primarily
integrating soft and hard issues and creating frameworks and meaning through
whatever works.
I have been deeply touched by the open space principles, appreciative
inquiry, ancient wisdom from a variety of religions and I attempt to fumble
through my life and work and put them into practice as much as I can and also
find ways to communicate what I learn to others.
It took a while for me to write this introduction and I am happy that I
atlast checked in.
Thanks for inviting me to be part of this special group of people. I love
what we are doing here!
with much appreciation and love

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