Greetings Anne,

Unfortunately, I was not able to open and read the file you sent. My
e-mail system and PC configuration here at work does not seem to allow
it. Is there another way that I could receive your note on OS?

Take care.


"Bid me run and I will strive for things impossible"  (Shakespeare)

Michael Lindfield
Organization Development Consultant

The Boeing Company
P.O. Box 3707,  MS 7A-25,
Seattle,  WA 98124-2207,  USA

206-865-2255 (Office/Voice Mail)     206-865-4851 (FAX)

>From:  Anne Stadler[]
>Sent:  Friday, March 21, 1997 3:38 PM
>To:    Multiple recipients of list OSLIST
>Subject:       Reflecting on OSI
><<File: OSI REflections 3%2F21%2F97>>
>Hi folks.  I want to offer some clarifying words and reflections about
>OSI which came up in our recent face to face dialogue about OS
>Training.  Hope it will be of interest to you!  I am attaching my notes
>on the subject to this message.

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