Hi, Marlene.  I read your message to Michael.  I'm Anne Stadler. Hi!

I just edited an issue of Open Space At Work (for Berrett Koehler
Publishers).  It might have some ideas in it which could be useful to
you?  There are about fourteen stories of different applications over
time in different venues.

Also, from my own experience: Could you create an Open Space learning
environment in which people could generate Learning Circles around the
theme of "Supporting Life and Work Transitions" (or whatever you want to
focus people's attention on), and invite anyone to attend who wants to
come?  As part of that, you might offer some training in using Open
Space principles and rituals of being together and in Dialogue or
whatever form(s) of deep conversation work well in Open Space.

Good luck.  YOu sound as if you have the perfect position for generating
such a learning environment!!!

All the best!   Anne

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