My appreciation to Michael for his notes. I'd like to make a friendly
response to one detail: using the term "Lappland" to describe the
indigenous people of northern Scandanavia.

I visited that land, called Sapmi, and some of the leaders of the Sami
people this August. They consider the term "Lappland" and "Lappish people"
to be derogatory. The terms do show up in their literature because it helps
to jog the memory of who and where they are. Still, I would like to ask us
to be responsive to their fair request.

And my trip was wonderful. We did ceremonies in the circle around the fire
(inside a tipi-shaped structure called a lavvu) and at circle- and
spiral-shaped sacred sites. I am motivated to inquire into the traditional
knowledge which informs (and may help us to deepen our experience of) Open

I will likely not be able to attend OS/OS, but I wish you well there, and
where you are.

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