I'm an introvert and I love OS because it is easy for me to convene a group
on the topic of my choice and run the group the way I want to. Sometimes I'll
run my small group using a talking piece or using dialogue guidlines.  I am
very sensitive to the issue he is talking about, but also believe in
Self-Responsibility.  I have to make room for my voice and in open Space
there is that opportunity. When I'm running a small group I often start by
informing people of my opinion that there are two ways of ruining the
group--by some people talking too much and others talking too little. I also
remind everyone to watch the periphery and make space for all the voices, and
mention the Quaker principle that noone speaks twice til everyone has spoken.

Metta, I know you were at the training in Santa Fe with Process Works, and
they combine Dialogue guidelines with the Open Space process.  I think it
works well. I've wondered about working it more into the Opening.

I like the question.

Kay Vogt

>>My main problem with the Open Space is that it is not really as open as it
>>seems - it is biased towards extroverts!  It also favours dominant American
>>type in the workplace - Activists.  So, if you are reflective introvert -
>>no chance to be heard!
>Any thoughts? ideas? suggestions? reactions?
>I am especially interested in hearing from the "reflective introverts"
>in our group -- if there are any ;) -- to see how you feel about the
>ability of OS to address these needs and concerns.....
>I will be looking forward to hearing from you!

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