Birgitt, thank you for your message. I am intrigued with the notion of
helping OSI in that way. Perhaps i should study a bit to catch up on all
of the goings on . . . I have read quite a bit, but I still have volumes
of unread communications. I have found it somewhat difficult to keep "in
the know" in the past while (I take responsibility for that). Ah yes . .
. I'm with you on the idea that OSI may not have been ready for
marketing until now - and still yet perhaps a "soft" slide towards
exposure. You have set my brain in motion.

Interestingly, my "discovery" of this OSLIST was purely happenstantial
as a forum I regularly join was in a bitter debate which I was not
enjoying . . . my mind had wandered to thoughts of Open Space, and I
engaged the law of two feet and marched right on over to the OSI page.
Well, it seems we really do get just WHAT we need right WHEN we need it
. . , NOW!

One thing that might help is an archive of the OSLIST. Does this
currently exist? I have seen a model "Forum" which allows the
participants to "talk" in real time . . . or simply post when they are
on-line. This forum archives all postings indefinitely. I'm not internet
savvy enough to know how complex that would be to construct but I think
it would be invaluable. If any one would like to see this, it is at
""; . . . it is sort of a
combination "chat and List-serve"

Be well, Barry Owen

  • marketing Birgitt Bolton
    • Re: marketing barry

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