I have found that Open Space gives the educated eye lots of understanding of
how well various "training" efforts have worked. At a recent event, a
particular meeting approach had just gone through the system. In Open Space,
many of the participants used that approach for their Open Space
discussions, about half did not. It was helpful for those who did.

I prefer to help people learn new approaches to inclusion or communication
before (or after) Open Space. When such learning happens before and people
do not use it in Open Space it is a real sign that the "training" was of
little avail--it didn't connect to peoples real learning.

I also emphasize the law of two feet when people ask me about a dominant
leader. Such people are around all the time. Facilitators (including me when
I facilitate a linear process) try to "control or shape" their behaviour for
the course of a facilitated discussion--but they often go back to their old
ways (particularly if they have formal power) after any facilitated event.
In Open Space, people have the freedom and responsibility to walk or create
another discussion on the same topic. If there is sufficient time in an open
space event (a critical support to longer events), then I find people learn
to get the issue addressed well.

I agree there are participant skills that are learned in Open
Space--managing own energy, initiative when have passion, going with the
flow & spirit, articulating vision in a way that attracts others to join
etc. These are exactly the skills I think people in today's organizations
need to learn, and yes "once is not enough". One Open Space event, even a
full 2.5 day one, only gives a taste. As Bank of Montreal and others have
shown--multiple Open Space events can lead to real increases in productivity
and effectiveness.

My experience is that people who you would never expect to take charge and
initiate do so in Open Space with little or no training. Birgitt and I just
led a leadership event with a small organization--15 staff (.5 of whom are
consumers/survivors of mental health institutions). We just got a letter on
the fantastic effect of the training and Open Space. They are now taking
intiative to transform the organization that the ED would never have
expected. "The best workshop she has ever experienced".  They are Opening
Space in a variety of ways.

Part of the issue, is the ability of the Open Space facilitator to connect
to the spirit of the group in the opening and holding of the space. For me,
that connetion is experienced viscerally when opening the space. At a
certain point I know I'm connnecting and building the energy toward
initiative from all levels. I am able to do that much more frequently now
that a year or two ago.

It is easy to try to fix Open Space when people struggle it. I think the
struggle is part of the learning that is required. I recently led a one day
event where a group of "butterflies" who were struggling with the process
got together at the coffee urn and much to their surprise developed a
concrete proposal to deal with a substantive issue related to the theme in
less than .5 hour and were "flying" when they left. Letting them struggle
was necessary for the breakthrough--it does not always happen. But, it
certainly doesn't with much of the skill training I've seen.


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