I feel you have handled your concerns very well considering the
circumstances. As a new player in the OS scene, I am aware that a "modified
OS" would not allow for the wonderous process to take place in the spirit
realm with the chaos of beginning, the responsibility each participant
takes and the results that occur. We know it to work beautifully even as a
short OS......but not a modified...remember we talked about shaman's
healing circle work when I was wondering what to call the ongoing things I
have been doing with my students. Perhaps this is where the "modified"
fits....???I will write more later.

Meanwhile I think good call on behalf of the OSI's. (global, US and Canada)
I am off to enjoy this fabulous spring day - I have a client in the most
lovely area called Niagara-on-the-lake and I must drive there during the
blooming of the bulbs and orchards lining all the roads on the way.
Rats.....   :-) Light to all. Virginia---------
> From: FamilyFirm <>
> To:
> Subject: Re: "purity"
> Date: Tuesday, April 21, 1998 11:57 AM
> In a message dated 98-04-21 10:55:49 EDT, you write:
> << If people are turning away from Open Space because they saw what
>  they were told was Open Space and were turned off by it, that is a
>  However, since "Open Space" and "OST" are not trademarks, there's little
>  can be done to prevent perversions, intentional or not.  >>
> Perversions?
> There is another risk.  That is that practioners who use Open Space well
> be stigmitized by a segment of practitioners who apply it with the zeal
> religious conversion.  Even though I am reletively new to the communtiy,
> have already run into highly repected organizational consultants who see
> element of Open Space practitioners becoming cult like in their devotion
> need for "purity".
> Joe

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