I was at OT16 in Two harbours last week and missed meeting you - I would
love to hear of your sustainable housing as I am a landscape architect and
use OST in my work. Are there any periodical articles written about your
development (by you?)?
If so please forward them either through my email or I have included my
signature line with my address. Thanks and welcome you unlurked person you!
Virginia T. Burt, OALA, ASLA
Landscape Architect
184 Bold street
Hamilton, Ontario CANADA
L8P 1V5
Phone: 905.528.6447

> From: koos de heer <koos...@auryn.nl>
> To: osl...@listserv.idbsu.edu
> Subject: Introducing myself and Y2K
> Date: Tuesday, June 30, 1998 3:35 AM
> Hello All,
> On the web page where I subscribed to this list was the
> suggestion to introduce ("unlurk") oneself. I thought
> that was a nice idea, so here I am.
> I have worked in the computer business for 12 years
> before becoming a management consultant and interim
> manager. My work focuses mainly on the management
> issues of using computers and related technology like
> internet. One of the first things I received from the
> OS list was the article about Y2K. Having read quite a
> few things about the subject already, I must say that
> I really appreciate the perspective and the broad view
> of the article.
> Here in the Netherlands, the whole systems view on Y2K
> is just emerging, with companies and public organisations
> starting to worry about the whole value chain and not
> only their own systems. Meg's article gives even a larger
> perspective and that is really helpful. I hadn't thought
> of the possibility to use Open Space in relation to Y2K,
> but I can see now where it can be very valuable.
> My first introduction to Open Space was by Ton van der
> Kroon and Martin Leith. A few weeks ago, I have conducted
> my first Open Space event (on June 6th) and hope to do a
> lot more. It is a great way of being with people and
> working on big issues.
> Apart from computers and Open Space, I also work with
> the Core Quadrant model of Kern Konsult, a model that
> makes it a lot easier for people to look at their own
> strengths and weaknesses and proves helpful in team
> as well as individual coaching and career counselling.
> I live in an ecological housing project in Utrecht, in
> the middle of the Netherlands, 30mins from Amsterdam.
> The project is not only about sustainable housing and
> an ecological way of life (whatever that may be), it is
> also a strong community with different types of houses
> and a very diverse crowd. A great place to live! I am
> sort of the PR officer for the project, so if anyone
> interested wants to stop by - feel welcome.
> My travel plans include OT16 in Auroville and a few
> trips to New England this fall and next spring.
> So maybe we'll meet in real life some day. In the mean
> time, I am with you on this list and I already find it
> inspiring to be part of this extended open space.
> Koos
> (how to pronounce my name: think of "coast", drop
> the T from the end and you've got it ;-)
> ------------
> koos de heer
> auryn management advies
> simon bolivarstraat 67
> 3573 zk utrecht
> the netherlands
> +31.30.2732857
> koos...@auryn.nl
> http://www.auryn.nl/

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