Hello friends in Open Space,
I just wish to say a very big thank you to all of you who participated in
feedback about OSONOS, my struggles, my viewpoint. The comments were good,
thoughtful, and what is most important to me, there were so many (on the
list and dozens sent individually) which means that we must be a real
community. Real communities care about each other and are willing to be
engaged. I like that. I would just like to clear up one point about me. I
like strangers. Always have. One of my hopes for this list is that we build
community through it. We now have access to the record of proceedings thanks
to Peggy Holman for her hard work and you can see that we actually also had
some very good conversations. The good news is that Open Space works. The
bad news is that Open Space works :-)

I think that we have some things to keep working at and working through, for
those that are interested.  I am going to note below some of the
conversations that I hope we have and that I think we need to really put our
heads together to come up with our best wisdom. Mostly, I realize that we
have alot of assumptions that we don't have a forum for noting or clarifying
and so I thought I would start here.
1. I assume that others want the development of a community of Open Space
"practitioners" so that we can support each other, learn from each other,
mentor each other, etc.
2. I assume that as soon as we come together for a common purpose, that we
then qualify as an organization. And we know that organizations operate
better (thanks Rod) if they are clear about their purpose and values. We
still need to do that, although bits and pieces of the work have happened.
3. I then assume that the best kind of organization is the Open Space
Organization--this is basically about using the principles and learnings
that we have about an Open Space event and using them to organize ourselves
for the long haul. It's a little more complicated than that. And takes a lot
of thinking to get the foundation well laid, the field tilled. Mostly about
understanding the purpose (heart) and then about clarifying our "givens" or
non-negotiables. For me, one of these is clearly sorting out what Open Space
is and what it isn't. A much harder task than meets the eye. I have been
plugging away at trying to get answers to this for some time now. Now please
don't misunderstand. This is not about dogma. Heaven forbid! It is about
root, fundamentals. I do know that everyone will apply their own style and
persona to how they "do" open space. I think another "given" that needs to
be sorted out is what it means to "hold space". I hear much in the way of
who holds space and how we hold it together and so on. But what do we all
4. Can an organization be truly emergent without taking care of the above,
or do we need to till the field and claim it as a wheat field or a corn
field and define it by at least that much (creating the container in which
the emergence can happen!)

For me, we have the knowledge about how to work with organizational
excellence, the inspired organization. We need to apply it to ourselves, and
to do that we first need to have lots of conversation. This list is one of
those places. The institutes are another. Maybe posting these questions on
the websites are another. I don't know. I know I would love the discussion
so that I can get clearer.

My vision is one in which we are an Open Space Organization, with givens and
purpose clearly defined. To allow for beautiful growth. The organization is
World Wide Open Space. And it will mentor and enable Open Space to be used
around the world. And who knows, through Open Space, we may yet find our way
to world peace.

Warmest regards,

Birgitt Bolton of Dalar Associates
55 Ravina Cres., Ancaster, Ontario, Canada
 L9G 2E8
phone: 905-648-5775  fax: 905-648-2262

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