I have been thoroughly intrigued by and interested in the dialogue on
this topic.  I am a relative newcomer to this list and to Open Space.  I
will be using Open Space in conjunction with Appreciative Inquiry (AI)
in two client projects in the coming months, and while I always have
some trepidation around using a new (to me) approach, this dialogue has
reaffirmed something I learned years ago in my work.

     On 12/21 Harrison said, "In a word, i think it is a lot more
     about being than doing anything -- including Open Space."

I unequivocally agree.  When we are totally present, in integrity,
trusting, caring and respectful with our clients, because that's who we
are in this universe - not just how we use tools of our trade
(approaches, methods, etc.) - we give them the greatest service we can
possibly give.

As for guarantees, AI and OST are based on the premise that people
create their own reality and are quite capable of doing so.  As
consultants and facilitators, we co-construct WITH our clients by
providing and making sure they understand the process, are "open" to and
can live with whatever evolves.  In these approaches, outcomes are not
predetermined.  If a client KNOWS the outcome content they want BEFORE
the event or intervention, neither AI nor OST (nor even a process
consultant for that matter) is appropriate to use.

Thanks, Harrison, Denis and Larry for all your wise input.  I LOVE the
rich resource this OSList provides.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can
change the world.  Indeed, it ’s the only thing that ever has."

Margaret Mead
BJ Peters
6523 N 14th Street #112
Phoenix  AZ  85014-1458
602 279 4805 Voice
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