In a message dated 1/21/99 9:05:44 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

<< One of the things that caught my attention most in the whole Open Space
meme is that self-organizing systems don't need a facilitator to organize
them. >>

But they often need someone to assume the responsibility for  "creating and
holding  the space" so that a new category of self-orgaizing forces can exert
their influence.
Having said that I should say that I can't think of a human system that isn't
self-orgainzing.  Machiavelli said a long time ago that " changing
organizations is the hardest thing in the world" . ( I may have misquoted him
slightly, but that is basically what he said.)  Those forces of homeostatsis
in a system are about self organization.  To me it is not a question of
whether a system is self-orgainzing,  it is a question of what it is self
orgainzing around, and whether is has the systemic flexibility to reorganize
in response to environmental change.

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