Hello Open Space Colleagues...

Open Space on Open Space, the annual gathering of OS practitioners from
around the world is coming to Chicago in September.  Here's the official

e-invite.  Hope you'll join us!   Michael


To Open Space Practitioners Everywhere:

Please Join Us! ...for OSonOS, the annual Open Space practitioners
gathering. For seven years now, friends from around the world have been
gathering to explore the edges of Open Space -- and to push them out
just a little bit further. This is the place to laugh and learn -- with
old friends and kindred spirits -- with some of the most experienced
Open Space practitioners on the planet and some of the most passionate
new practitioners and explorers of Open Space. You needn't consider
yourself an Open Space expert. It's enough to bring your passion, your
experience and the story from just one place where you've opened the
space -- or even a real situation where you are now actively working to
hold your first open space event. Just don't expect a training event,
because that won't happen.

This is the place where great friendships, books and articles, crazy
hats and open space institutes have been born out of Open Space
experiences. It's high play and high learning. It's Open Space where the

theme is "Open Space."  It's downtown Chicago and Lake Michigan. It's
September 25th through 27th, followed by a Worldwide Open Space
post-conference day on the 28th.  The cost is $50-$200US on a sliding
scale, which will cover meeting costs, with any leftover funds going to
support the emerging Worldwide Open Space Association.  You'll find
complete registration, lodging, meeting and travel information online


...and please do help spread the word to those OS practitioners you know

who will learn from and contribute to this worldwide open space

Please note, too, that we're gathering this year at a busy time, in a
big convention town.  So make those hotel and travel plans as early as
you can.

We're looking forward to welcoming you all to Open Space the heartland!

Sheila Isakson & Michael Herman

P.S. At the bottom of the online invitation webpage (listed above),
you'll find the beginning of a worldwide open space index.  Please check

it out and contact Michael if you have something to add to it. Thanks!

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