Hello everyone.  This will be an introduction and a "coming out" from the
lurking group.

My first exposure to Open Space was at the hands of Joe Paul [thanks Joe] at
the Family Firm Institute meeting.  One of the reasons I chose to attend was
the OS format.  I have since been exposed to Appreciative Inquiry at a
conference in Phoenix in November about three weeks later.  I have read OST:
a User's Guide and all posts archived in 1998 on the OS List.  I am also on
the Ai List.

I my last life I was a psychiatrist.  That ended in 1997 after a series of
events.  One of those events was the reading of "Beyond Therapy Beyond
Science" by Anne Wilson Schaef.  She has many uncomplimentary words for
those that ascribe to a model that posits the expert role and has embedded
in it strategies to maintain the power base of the expert.  There was and is
considerable truth (for me) in this perspective.

Scott Stillers comments about the expert role are probably largely accurate
if stereotypic.  And the attitude of the expert is certainly not in keeping
with the spirit of OS, or Ai for that matter.  However, I hear a different
issue in the dual relationship role.  As Joe pointed out in responding to
Ralph some time back, there are lots of ways that the boundary can become
blurred and not all will lead to ill effects every time (paraphrasing).

For me, the acknowledgement of what some characterize as a fiduciary
relationship and here has been called the professional role can certainly
lead to the attitude of the expert.  This is something to be guarded against
on an individual and collective level.  The recent post regarding the
handling of an ultimatum is but one example of how we can be pulled into the
expert role.

The risk of assuming a more authoritarian stance is not appropriately
balanced by minimizing the importance of boundaries and a professional role.
There are many risks from dual relationships.  Joe observes:
>As I read this discussion it appears to me that while some who think it is
>okay to have a dual role may change their mind, I doubt that those who
>take a more conservative position will change that position.  I think
>those with the more conservative position see this issue of prohibiting
>dual roles as a fundamental aspect of the responsibility.

Its time to reflect.  Thanks to all that have contributed to this rich

Be Well


David C. Rupley, Jr., MD
Spirited Growth                 "In dialogue, individuals gain
7400 N Oracle Road               insights that simply could not
Suite 100K                               be achieved individually."
Tucson, AZ  85704
520-742-9325                      Peter Senge
520-742-9385 (fax)

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