
Have you considered talking to a few of the people involved
and asking them how they would describe the issue? That
would give you a clue as to the wording that lies close to
their hearts.

It sounds like a great opportunity and I am sure that OS
can be a great contribution in this process. A few extra
questions to consider, maybe unnecessary but I ask them

Have you considered inviting other stake holders like
students, alumni, school management (I mean of the schools
that will hire your teachers-to-be after their graduation),
state officials (the ones who demand the new curriculum)?

What is your own position, are you passionate about this
yourself?  That does not have to be a problem, it just might
make it a little more difficult to sit on your hands and
stick to just holding the space.

Success and warm greetings,


At 13:49 10-03-1999 -0600, you wrote:
>I'd like some help coming up with the appropriate wording for an OS
>theme.  What I have coming up is a high stakes event.  The
>precise theme wording is critical (at least I think it is).
>First I need to give some background.  I am a member of a College
>of Education at a university.  We are undergoing massive teacher
>education redesign.  We are under a state mandate to get a new
>program in place by Fall 99.  We have a month and a half left in
>this academic year. Failure to come up with a new curriculum is
>simply not an option. A key group of ten faculty (10 PhD ego's) are
>working on  a new "Core Curriculum."  Deliberations have broken
>down over philosophical issues, content issues, generalist vs
>specialist teacher issues, number of hours, etc., etc. In short
>conversations have become very contentious and heated.  The
>group is going in circles and a couple of people have resigned.
>Emotions are high and acrimony is rampant.  The group is getting
>frustrated, exhausted, and burned out on every-other-day meetings.
>To me the situation meets perfectly the criteria for an OS event:
>high levels of complexity, high levels of diversity, high levels of
>conflict, and a decision is needed yesterday.
>I volunteered to hold an OS event with this group. The group may
>be expanded in size somewhat.  I'm going to guess that 15 to 20
>people would voluntarily come together if they believed real
>progress could be made.
>I would GREATLY APPRECIATE any suggestions anyone on this
>list might have for the wording of a theme to focus this group.
>Something like "issues and opportunities facing the College of
>Education" just seems too generic for this particular situation,
>which I might go so far as to describe as a crisis.
>Thanks  VERY MUCH for your help!!!
koos de heer
auryn management advies
utrecht, netherlands

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