
Don't know how much of an OST "purist" you are.  I'll "risk" sharing my
thoughts anyway...

I have successfully combined the DISCOVERY and/or DREAM phases of
Appreciative Inquiry with Open Space on a number of occasions.  In your
situation, having pairs engage for an hour in appreciative interviews in
which they share stories about school experiences and learnings which
have energized and impacted their lives might bring everyone to the same
level of connection and excitement about possibilities based on what
already is working and diminish the "we/they" syndrome to which you
alluded.  The interviews could be followed by small groups sharing and
emerging the themes, which could serve as "brain and soul food" for the
open space topics.

At any rate, I wish you good happenings at your event.


“We must be the change we seek in the world."

BJ Peters
Consultant, Facilitator, Coach, Trainer
6523 N 14th Street #112
Phoenix  AZ  85014-1458
602 279 4805 Home/Office
602 279 4806 FAX

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