At 08:47 02-05-1999 -0500, Harrison wrote:
We do know, of course, that there is precisely one way to mess up an Open
Space: Try and control it and think you are in charge.

Somehow I think there is a risk in trying to find a correlation
between the succes of Open Space and personality type and that
is precisely that it might be seen as a way to control the thing.
I have always been very hesitant towards personality typing of
any kind because it can easily be used as a means of thinking
we've got ourselves (or each other!) figured out and under
control. That goes all the way from horoscopes to MBTI or what
have you.
I am not saying these models should not be used, but let's make
sure that it is used as a means to make us see more of ourselves
and the other rather than less.


koos de heer
auryn management advies
utrecht, netherlands

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