My experience with 500 is not much different than with 300. It is the
preparation that counts. Clear theme, givens and action parameters if
appropriate and then all the infrastructure, just more. You'll need 30 break
out rooms (maybe more) and a room that seats 1000 theatre style is the
preference. The turnaround time on the book is longer, I did one over night
and did convergence the next morning, no problem.


Larry Peterson
Associates in Transformation
41 Appleton Ave., Toronto, ON,
Canada, M6E 3A4
Tel:/Fax: 416-653-4829

-----Original Message-----
From:   OSLIST [] On Behalf Of Peg Holman
Sent:   Tuesday, June 15, 1999 2:46 PM
Subject:        Help with a 450 person OS

I just received this from a colleague.  For those who have conducted OS's of
this size, any suggestions?

>I just got a contract to work with one of the oldest consulting firms(US
>and England based but all over the world): one day traditional event and
>second day Open Space. I have worked with up to a little over 300 but
>never with 450 consultants for one day including procedings.Question:
>what do we need in terms of logistics or other important things specific
>to 450 participants (exept for doing it longer!! But that was all
>planned when I got called in)??? If possible could you answer within the
>next 30 hours, my appointment is Thursday

Peg Holman

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