I have enjoyed reading about the liberating and empowering effect this
law has on fellow facilitators. In Open Spaces sessions, however,  I
have noticed that people are reluctant to apply it at first. Traditional
meeting etiquette prevails and it looks like some people should
butterfly or bumblebee themselves to somewhere else. As the process
unfolds, people seem to realize that the Law of Two Feet really is an
option and start to exercise it more readily. The group has to learn how
to use the law and establish a new norm of behaviour.

I would like to know if other facilitors have noticed this delay
phenomenon and if they have techniques that encourage people to exercise
this choice right from the beginning.

Incidently, in one discussion group, a participant fell asleep - so I
now talk about butterflys, bumblebees and sleeping dogs. Who am I to say
that person wasn't doing something important on the group's

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