In reflecting on the last two days at OSonOS, I have come upon a question -
new and unvoiced.

First, a bit of background.  Having inhabited what I might call a "deficit
space" for all of my professional life(medicine), when I was introduced to
Appreciative Inquiry by David Cooperrider and Diana Whitney - it was like a
breath of fresh air after having become acclimated to something far from it.
The logic (and feeling) from AI has great appeal and probably has its
advantages where there is no  or limited sense of urgency.

OST (consistent with the "advertising") is MUCH LESS WORK.  Aside from my
devotion to being a PLR (path of least resistance), I really agree with the
fundamental from HOO that less is more.

So, is there any particular situation where some kind of preparation is
necessary to get people to open space in a more positive, less deficit focus

Live Well, Think BIG,


David C. Rupley, Jr., MD
Spirited Growth
Work: 520-742-9325
Fax:  520-742-9385

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