Here goes:

Ascending beyond constricted diatribes
Enlightening fear-gripped henchmen
Igniting jaded knotted leaders
Mountaineering new open precipices
Quietly restoring space to
Understand, value, wish
X-citing your zuchini

Well- my dictionary had a really small "Z" section and all the good ones were 
already used.

ralphsc wrote:

> Dear Open Spacies:
> And now for something completely different
> It's a contest, right here in the open space and you may help select the 
> winner, as well as enter as many times as you wish.  Read on.
> As some of you know, I dabble in poetry.  One exercise that poetry teachers 
> often assign for young or inexperienced poets is this.  Write a poem of only 
> 26 words using the letters of the alphabet, in order, with each letter being 
> the first letter of a word.
> For example...
> Always be careful
> Doubt every force
> Gathered here in jealous kisses
> Let my nearness only press
> Quiet, restful stretches together,
> Useful verities will x-cite you zealously.
> Okay, so I cheated on the "x".  It's allowed for that one letter.
> The challenge/contest:
> 1.  Write an alphabet poem, in the style exemplified above, describing open 
> space.  The title, if you include one, may or may not be part of the 
> alphabetic scheme (your choice).
> 2.  Author of the best entry will receive a free copy of John Adams' 
> just-published new book,
> "Thinking Today As If Tomorrow Mattered" (a fresh exploration of how people 
> and organizations can change their consciousness to help save the planet from 
> environmental deterioration).
> 3.  You may submit more than one entry.
> 4.  You may submit your entries in any language as long as you also supply an 
> English translation (which does not have to be alphabetical).
> 5.  After a suitable period of time, I'll compile all the entries into one 
> e-mail and publish it here.  Listserve subscribers can then submit their 
> votes as to the best one.  Top vote-getter become the winners.  I get one 
> vote, too.
> 6.  VARIATION: If you prefer, submit your entry in reverse-alphabetical order.
> 7.  Why am I doing this?  I want to promote John's book, I like promoting 
> poetry, and I think it'll be fun!
> 8.  NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE NECESSARY.  If you have never ever written a poem, 
> so what!  Take a whack at it.  It's fun.  It's good for the mind.  And it 
> tickles the funny-bone.
> 9.  You may cheat on th "x".
> To help get you thinking, here's a (non-eligible) alphabet poem on open space 
> I did the other day. (I incorporated the title).  Yours, of course, will be 
> better.
> Agendas Beckoning
> Circles debut effortlessly.
> Fresh gists,
> Honored in juiciful knowing,
> Loosen miraculous, new, open passions,
> Quenchable, really,
> Since time undoes vexatious worry.
> X-tend your zone!
> C'mon now ­ give it a try!  Win the prize!!
> Ralph Copleman

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