Dear friends and colleagues in Open Space,

F.Y.I. invitations regarding four learning opportunities for working with
Open Space Technology. The newest one to be launched in 2000  is an Advanced
Program for practitioners of Open Space Technology including a focus on
working with the Open Space Organization, and the other three opportunities
(developed by Harrison Owen or Birgitt Bolton) featuring working with the
basics of Open Space Technology. A bit more about each of these options
follows. For further information, contact Birgitt Bolton at

1. A reminder that Harrison Owen and Birgitt Bolton will lead an Open Space
Technology training program Nov. 2-6 in Flamborough, Ontario, Canada.
Program developed by Harrison Owen. This is just a week away. For those of
you in the USA, it is a bargain. The exchange rate right now is 50%, with
the Canadian $$ being the lowest it has ever been in relation to the US$.
Cost for the program is $1495 Canadian which at the time we set the price
was equal to the $995 US of Harrison's other programs. The math will let you
know the savings now. To say nothing of doing your Christmas shopping here

2. The first Advanced Program for Open Space Practitioners only.
Prerequisite is to have taken a basic training program with Harrison,
Birgitt Bolton or others who offer training programs. This program will
focus on attending to the kinds of things that come up for practitioners
once they do a few Open Space events, the dynamics that are created when
Open Space Technology is done several times within the same organization and
what to pay attention to and prepare for, and assisting organizations to
operate as Open Space Organizations (experiencing the benefits that come
from Open Space Technology on an ongoing basis in the organization). Cost
for the four days is $600 US with a 25% discount for anyone who has taken
the basic training program with Birgitt Bolton (including with Birgitt when
she has led with Harrison or others). This program is also open to leaders
of organizations in which Open Space Technology is used frequently. Toronto,
Ontario, Canada. Jan 26,27,28,29 of 2000. This program will likely also be
held in Sweden in late March, and in Australia in early August.

3. Open Space Technology training program with Birgitt Bolton Feb 21, 22,
23, 24 in Vancouver, British Columbia. Cost $600 US.

4. Open Space Technology training program with Birgitt Bolton April 18, 19,
20, 21 in Oberlin, Ohio, USA. Cost $600 US.

Join me in any of these learning adventures. High learning and high play!


Birgitt Bolton
Striving for Success?
Make Genuine Contact!

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