Suggestion for you, Kathleen (and others on this list)

Geoff Bellman's book "Consultant's Calling:  Bringing who you are to what
you do"  is an excellent resource for new (and "old") consultants.
(Jossey-Bass, 1990) as well as "Getting Things Done When You're Not in
Charge."  As a consultant and trainer who has worked with several
departments within the State of Washington, including OSPI (Office of
Superintendent of Public Instruction) I share your pain -- and hopes!

Contact Geoff directly at 206-365-3212 or

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Karen du Four des Champs
"a catalyst for change for our changing world"

INERCOR, Training & Consulting Co.
"because change does begins at the core"
P.O. Box 472
Vashon Island, WA  98070
Seattle Office:  (206) 244-1333
Vashon Office: (206) 463-4122
FAX:               (206) 463-4124
Pager:             (206) 955-4694

-----Original Message-----
From: Kathleen A Pichola <>
To: <>
Date: Monday, October 25, 1999 11:29 AM
Subject: Hello

>Dear Open Space folks
>Hi.  I am Kathleen Pichola, from Cleveland, Ohio and new to the world of
>consulting. I have been a private practice psychotherapist for the past
>12 years.  I ended this practice in May of 98 and am moving toward new
>work that involves larger groups of people and transformation that
>affects many. I have been aware of openspace for several years and have
>attended several trainings with Harrison and Birgitt.  However, I have
>not done any consulting to date.  I feel ready to open this new work for
>myself by going out into the world and opening spaces, but have many
> My passion lives with the public school systems.  I was an educator or
>10 years before I trained as a psychologist.  I would love to help
>children everywhere by improving the ways in which schools meet
>children's needs.
> I had a preliminary meeting with a central staff administrator in charge
>of community/school relations.  She seemed interested in Open Space but
>declared that she has no budget.  She sent me to an exec director of a
>well funded clearinghouse organization that has as it's mission to
>improve the schools countywide.  They have just spent time and money on a
>training program for parents called naming and renaming.  They are quite
>excited about it.  The funding for this program ends in Dec.  I am to
>call this exec when she returns to town, which is today.
>My observations
>1.  It seems to me that the whole educational system is very broken but
>continues to limp along because it is funded by taxes.
>2.  It seems to me that if education is to really change, the deep
>structure, (as Birgitt names it in her training program,) needs to be
>addressed, not just the behaviors and actions.
>3. It seems to me that schools continue to add programs that address
>behaviors but are like bandaids on a problem that requires major surgery.
> The current bandaids are volunteerism and parent involvement.
>4.  It seems to me, when we are talking about education, we are talking
>about the national, state and local systems, as well as the community of
>parents and businesses.  I don't know anyone who is not affected by the
>educational system come to think of it.
>5.  It seems to me for real change to occur, this whole system needs to
>be in the room as in Open space.
>6.  It seems to me, there are many smaller systems within the larger
>system that can use and benefit from open space.  Individual schools,
>individual programs, local school systems etc.
>7.  It seems to me that open space would be a perfect tool to create the
>kind of changes that are desparately needed  and long overdue in the
>8.  It seems to me that nationally, we are beginning to focus on
>education as a priority, and that the time may be right for this kind of
>My Questions:
>1.  How does one access educational decisionmakers to make them aware of
>open space and the potential it has to offer?
>         I have considered doing informational presentations to businesses,
>rotaries, kiwanas (I like giving speeches) In order to inform a large
>group of community stakeholders.
>         I have considered doing presentations for gatherings of
>superintendents, principals, administraors.  Surely there must be such a
>          A friend of mine suggested that I meet with a local
superintendent who
>has a reputation for being creative and progressive.  She suggested that
>if I sold the idea to him and had success, he would make sure everyone
>knew about it.
>2.  I mentioned the exec director earlier.  I need to call her this week,
>as she is just returning from out of town. I am not sure what to say to
>her in an initial meeting.  I know open space would be an excellent match
>for her and the mission of the organization.  I'm not sure how to let her
>know that, or if it is even possible to sell open space by "cold calling
>" like this.
>I think that is enough for now.  I would appreciate any feedback and
>wisdom that people can give.
>I also would like  to know if there is anyone in the Cleveland area who
>is doing open space?
>Thanks to all,
>Kathleen Pichola
>Stories With Heart        &            Kapstone Consulting, Inc.
>Kathleen A. Pichola, Ph.D
>P.O. Box 19128                                E-mail
>Cleveland, Ohio 44119-0128               Phone  216-531-6008
>Stories open our hearts and feed our souls. Stories heal us.

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