Here is further information on the workshop announced in the Fall OSI Canada

Larry & Diane

Being intentional about emergent strategy, teamwork and spirit.

 Feb. 22 (Noon)-Feb. 25, 2000,
Inn on the Park, Toronto
Diane Gibeault & Larry Peterson

Explore when and how to use Open Space Technology
for large or small group meetings.
Better understand how to be an agile organization
 in a rapidly changing environment.
Utilize emergent strategies and energy for fast and creative change.
Explore your personal ability to open productive space for others.

Open Space Technology is being used with increased frequency around the
world to intentionally create the conditions for initiative, dialogue,
breakthrough learning, agile performance, cross-functional connections and
self-organizing teamwork. Leaders and facilitators can learn to clarify
purpose and vision, the givens in a situation and then let elements of
strategy and action emerge from the initiative of employees at all levels.
It is not possible to control breakthrough learning or spirited performance.
It is possible for leadership to create the conditions for both to be

Come and challenge yourself to learn:

* Open Space Technology: How and when to use it.
* How to create the conditions for an agile, responsive and productive
organization or team.
* About your own leadership or facilitation style, purpose and spirit.
* To intentionally prepare for emergent opportunities.

We encourage you to come in teams for more impact on your organization. We
encourage you to read Open Space Technology: A Users Guide by Harrison Owen
before the workshop. It is available through your local bookseller. We are
open to considering follow-up coaching sessions with individuals or teams.
We have found these to be effective for building confidence and successful
and spirited events and organizations.
Larry Peterson: Larry brings 30 years of experience in facilitating large
and small group interventions and in enabling transformational change in
Canada and the US.  He has been facilitating Open Space Technology meetings
since 1990. He has led over 120 Open Space events ranging in scale from 600
to 6. He is a founder of the Open Space Institute of Canada and active in
the World Wide Open Space network. He has led training events, conferences
and published numerous articles on Open Space.  He has combined Open Space
with other facilitation approaches for successful change processes in
corporations, governments, churches and non-profit organizations. For more
information check

Diane Gibeault: Diane is an experienced bilingual consultant who specializes
in facilitating meetings, group processes and training.  She has over 20
years experience in group facilitation, training, management, and
organizational transformation both with governments and non-governmental
organizations at the national and international levels. Her interventions
with the OST approach include facilitating conferences, public workshops on
transformation in organizations, recreating teams after mergers and pooling
experience among change management teams.  Diane facilitated Open Space
forums with several federal departments and national organizations.  She is
member of the Open Space Institute of Canada, the International Association
of Facilitators and the International Society for Performance Improvement.
We will meet at the Inn on the Park, 1100 Eglinton Avenue East, Toronto,
(416) 444-2516. Special rates between $110 - $120 CDN a night, single or
double, have been secured. You will need to book your own accommodation.
Lunch and breaks are included in the fee.
The fee for the 3.5 day event is $800 CDN. To Register fax or e-mail the
following to Larry Peterson, Associates in Transformation, 41 Appleton Ave.,
Toronto, ON, Canada, M6E 3A4, Tel/Fax: 416-653-4829,

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