Jay (Vogt)

a quick note following an ancient posting of yours.....!

At almost all events I do these days (including Open Space), I take with me
a graphic facilitator (trained with the folks at Grove - David Sibbert et
al)..... and we produce a large graphic record of the whole event.   You
probably know of the Grove work.

Generating a graphic record has a whole range of benefits - just the first
of which is that the graphic proves to be a fantastic instant reminder of
the whole experience that everyone went through together, when they get
back to their various monday mornings in several weeks/months time.  The
graphic is also a brilliant way of bringing on board those who weren't
there at the event  itself.  In the culture change work I am currently
doing at the UK Department of Trade and Industry, it was the graphic
(produced during a workshop with the top 30 people in the Department), that
brought on board the Permanent Secretary - who then came to the next stage
event (much larger) and is one of the greatest promoters of our 'change'

I also take LOTS of photographs - digital and 'normal'.... to include in
any reports - inc. on line etc

would love to know what other ways you are finding of producing visual

all the best


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