I have also led a number of Open Space events at conferences where there has
been some drop-off by closure, and some who chose not to attend. I think
this is normal for conferences anyway. The stakes are very different,
individual learning rather than organizational performance. People at
conferences have tended to use the Law of Two Feet and just skip sessions to
go shopping or skiing. Many come just to hear the "famous" speakers, to be
entertained. Open Space is not that kind of entertainment.

However, there have been a few OS events that began small and grew in
participation by the time of closure like the one mentioned by Audrey. I
recently led an Open Space in Baker Lake, Nunavut, with a largely Inuit
participation. We had more at closure than we started with.

When dealing with issues of real importance to an organization, I have only
seen limited drop-off, usually due to other commitments that could not be
changed (like any meeting).


Larry Peterson
Associates in Transformation
41 Appleton Ave., Toronto, ON,
Canada, M6E 3A4
Tel:/Fax: 416-653-4829


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