Re: OSLIST: Re: Thinking about OPEN SPACEHi Toke,
thanks for your contribution. It is good to watch you follow what has heart
and meaning for you. I think the concept of hosting is respectful to the
participants. Servant-leadership. Especially if it is from a place of love
and truth without judgement.

As I reflected on your comments, what came to me was that what is being
hosted is an experience that affords the opportunity to learn, play, be
creative, or even do nothing in whatever the person needs. Which is probably
all learning in one way or another. I just have an easier time seeing that
we host an experience with learning as a likely outcome rather than hosting

I hope this is helpful.

Birgitt Bolton
Striving for Success?
Make Genuine Contact!

-----Original Message-----
From: OSLIST []On Behalf Of Toke
Paludan Møller - InterChange
Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 1999 6:40 PM
Subject: Re: OSLIST: Re: Thinking about OPEN SPACE

Hello Open Spacers.

Without contributing I have been enjoying reading all the input -
helpfulness and good questions on the list the last months.


What is very meaningful for me these  days is exploring the art of hosting a
learning field - in thought - in action - in learning - through Open Space -
cafe seminar and other process tools.

I would like to share the  exploration with those of you who find this burns
for you as well.

As a fuse here are my asumptions that I have learned forth over the years
till this point in time - and I am sure more is underway........

looking forward to explore with you......

- toke

- Is hosting  leadership that allows learning to take place ?

Assumptions and beleifs about hosting

- hosting is leadership that allows learning to take place

- hosting is a way to allow the whole community to participate in the

- human beings can learn and organize as a living system of living beings

- hosting is being, not doing

- the ability to host flows from within us

- being and doing in one

- hosting takes listening for meaning and needs in yourself and others

- conscious hosting brings consciousness to everyone who opens to learning

- the wise insights are hidden in the middle of any learning field - the
Open Space

- holding a learning field is a privilige not a job

- in hosting there are no halfmeasures - "being within the process" takes
real commitment

- there are no substitutes to heartfelt mental and physical preparation

- my values and ethics have only strength  and meaning when practiced


- clarity of purpose is a sweet weapon against confusion

- meaningful questions has the power to ignite any group

- in designing and hosting a learning transformation look for how the
fragments turn into fractals and a natural flow

-  in process design and hosting even the smallest is big

- safe conscious space needs to be created and hosted each time

- when resting in yourself, timing comes naturally

- if trusted any group will self organize

- it takes inner courage and stillness to allow the magic of the moment to
be experienced

- less is more

- assumptions are not good enough - you better know

Is teaching and learning in reality
hosting the growth of meaning
in you and others ?

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