
As I ponder the e-mails on drop-off once again, I realize the following...

1.  I admit that when the whole gang that was there at the start is not there 
at the closing, I am disappointed and still sometimes think it is somehow my 
fault ­ even though I know it probably isn't.

2.  Part of me wants somehow to behave in such a way at the beginning  and all 
during the event so as to make sure everybody shows up at the closing ­ even 
though I am fully aware there is nothing I can do that will assure this outcome.

3.  I spend energy during the period of opened space telling myself that 
nothing is within my control.  I tell myself and I tell myself.

4.  I still think everything that happens is, after all, a personal reflection 
on me ­ even though I have truly learned this is not so.  Or have I?

By the way, have you noticed how all year around, this list is always civil, 
courteous, thoughtful, honest, helpful and wise?  Can you recall even a single 
instant of incivility, unnecessary sarcasm or curt behavior?  I cannot.  All 
year, every year.  Wow! As we get deep into the holidays, here's wishing you 
all a wonderful season and a simply marvelous 2000.  My wish is that everybody 
everywhere treat everyone just the way we treat each other here.

My love to you all.

Ralph Copleman

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