Dear Murli

Following Harrison's story about using OST in any language, I did a day and
half event in Brasov, Romania last September with 72 people from 5 cities.
I kept the English down to 35 minutes in total over the event, letting my
translator explain what was happening.  Interestingly, my translator who
was the sponsor became a co-facilitator about one third into the event.

I also trained 9 other facilitators by explaining the process the day
before, letting them participate and de-briefing everyone for an hour after
the event was over.  This "action learning" seemed to work well.

Of the 72 paerticipants, 95% signed up to work on implementing the action
priorities voted for at the end of our time together.

Hope this helps.


Kerry Napuk
Open Futures Ltd.
10 West Savile Road
Edinburgh EH16 5NG
United Kingdom

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