dear birgitt,

whatever and whoever  is touched of your joy,
look at me as part of it and part of them.
thanks for sharing your love story

florian fischer

Birgitt Bolton schrieb:

>  Dear Friends and Colleagues in Open Space,
> I am writing to ask you to hold space for Ward Williams (also on this
> list) and I on Saturday, January 29th, 2000 at sunset (about 5:20 pm)
> eastern standard time. At this time, Ward and I will be marrying. My
> heart is beating in joy, filled with love as I get ready to go to the
> airport to pick Ward up. He lives in North Carolina, USA and is coming
> to Ontario, Canada for our marrying. His three children, soon to be my
> stepchildren (Matt 15, Lilly 14, and Krista 12) are flying in from New
> York. My daughter Rachel will be flying in from Alberta, Canada.
> Matt vacationed with us in the Christmas holidays so he has already
> connected well with my four children (Rachel 20, Laura 18, David 15,
> Aaron 14). We are all looking forward to meeting Lilly and Krista and
> creating this family unit that includes our 7 amazing young people.
> For those of you who have popped in here on your travels, you know
> that this home is always teaming with young people (when Father Brian
> Bainbridge was here for a few days, he had enough material for a
> yearís worth of sermons by the time he left) so both Ward and I
> happily accept the privilege of doing our part in the parenting of 7
> young people.
> Sadly, Ward leaves to go back to North Carolina on Tuesday and from
> there will start the process of the legalities of bringing me into the
> US. It is our greatest hope that I will be able to join him by summer.
> In the meantime, we continue to build up air miles as we visit back
> and forth.
> The coming together of Ward and I is truly an Open Space love story.
> About a year ago, on February 13th, I headed to Tennessee to attend
> the wedding of my friends Barry and Debbie Owen. Officiated by my
> friend and Barryís dad Harrison Owen. As always, when I go somewhere,
> if there is a chance for me to visit other special people in my life
> too, I do. I looked at the map and realized it would be a short flight
> to visit my friend Chandra Christian in North Carolina (being right
> next to Tennessee). I met Harrison to learn Open Space, and in other
> Open Space events I met and formed deep friendships with Barry and
> Chandraó the Open Space story unfolding J . On February 14th, which is
> Valentineís day here, I arrived at Chandraís and she let me know her
> close friend Ward was coming to supper. I had heard of Ward over time
> and was pleased to finally meet him, not knowing that Chandra had
> known for years that if she could get Ward and I into the same room
> that we would find each other in just the way we did. She also knew us
> each well enough not to let either of us know of her plan or
> intentions, knowing neither of us, out of our strong personal
> independence, would co-operate. Chandra opened the space for us, held
> the space, and let us come forward with our passion/responsibility.
> Ward walked in. All of my inner knowing knew that my life would never
> be the same from that moment. He hugged me hello, my heart raced, I
> moved into instant paralysis of panic knowing that I had somehow
> fallen instantly and deeply for this man and not quite knowing how it
> had happened nor what to do about it. Ward was having his own
> experiences. Neither of us "posted" our passion. I flew back to Canada
> and on the plane came out of a dreamlike state and realized I had
> given Ward absolutely no indication of any interest. I phoned and left
> a message for Chandra, in true Open Space style saying that although
> she probably only saw Ward as a friend, he had affected me deeply and
> could she please let him know I would like to hear from him if he was
> interested. She laughed when she got home and listened to her
> messages, first one from Ward wondering how to get hold of me, and
> immediately thereafter one from me stating my passion. It took both of
> us great courage, as it does anyone posting a topic in Open Space,
> wondering if anyone will come to the session.
> We came together very quickly after that and have been on a wonderful
> journey of coming to know one another. Our love is deep. I am honored
> to become Wardís life partner on Saturday. Our ceremony will last most
> of the day with our family and a small group of friends, in true Open
> Space style in a room with a roaring fire at one side, chairs in a
> circle. My dear friend Bill MacKinnon is the minister who will
> officate the actual marrying, and he of course is an Open Space
> facilitator too.
> And about Open Space and Ward. I have been on my own for almost eight
> years, and during that time I had held a pretty strong position of
> never marrying again (never say never) and just to protect myself, I
> developed a long long list of the characteristics a partner would have
> to have to be my partner. Such a long list that I knew it was
> impossible to find such a person and I drew the line in the sand
> saying I would accept nothing less. And of course on that list was
> that the person must live life in Open Space, understand Open Space,
> be a facilitator of Open Space, and allow me to continue my own work
> with Open Space around the world, as facilitator and as a trainer of
> others. To support me in this work and when possible to work together
> to promote Opening Space in the world. Through Chandra, Ward already
> knew of the importance of Open Space. He lives Open Space and
> facilitates it for others as his natural style, and fit naturally with
> participating at OT and OSONOS and becoming part of our Open Space
> Community. Wow! And he not only met every item on my long long list
> but superceded many of them. And continues to surprise and delight me.
> We will have no shortage of adventures. And I understood anew another
> element of Open Space "be prepared to be surprised":-)
> Following my marrying, my name will change from Birgitt Bolton to
> Birgitt Williams. And my e-mail will be the new one at
> which is US based and I will keep after my
> move.
> I am joy filled and filled with deepest gratitude to
> Mother/Father/Spirit God for this great gift. I ask you to hold space
> for us and if you are so inclined, to keep us in your prayers as we
> set out on this new phase of our lives.
> Blessings,
> Birgitt Birgitt Bolton
> Striving for Success?
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