
I looked for the study electronically and could not get my hands on it
either.  I am in the middle of my masters research, a grounded theory study
on "the value of using OST".  It is a qualitative based research project
using the full spectrum of OST stories and recounts that I could obtain
electronically, reviewing them for value (pers, org, etc) and synthesising
the results for comparrision with contemporary theory.  Hopefully it will
provide myself and others with future areas of research focus around OST.

If you get your hands on a copy of Marlene's study I would appreciate a
copy if you can send it electronically, via the list serve would be great.
I believe it would spark some great conversation.

Rich Norris

At 04:05 PM 2/26/00 +1100, you wrote:
>Dear Friends
>I have just finished reading the paper by Birgitt Williams and Larry
>Peterson "After the Open Space Event'. It is very useful and timely for me
>as my major client, ho has now have numerous OS events, wants to integrate
>it into the daily life of the organsiation.
>In the bibliography is a paper by Marelen Walker Daniels 'An Ethnographic
>Study of an Open Space Technology Meeting: Self-Organising at Work' (1994).
>Birgitt no longer has her copy, so I am wondering if anyone else out there
>has a copy they could fax or post me?
>Many thanks
>Andrew Donovan
>Business Facilitator
>tel +61 3 9416 3021
>fax +61 3 9416 2935
>PO Box 1705
>Collingwood  VIC  3066
Richard Norris

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