Michelle and Linda,

You raise a topic of great interest to me in your recent messages on the
"voting process".
I had been using an approach to convergence other than by "votint", an
approach that some of us developed at the OSonOS, 3 years ago in
Toronto, but was not totally content with it so I tried something else
recently that I like better.

First let me explain what the concerns were about the "voting" (dot or
electronic).  We were looking for a process that avoided the possible
skewed results of voting on all discussion topics:  duplicate or similar
topics getting their votes split and not making it to the priority list
while in fact, pulled together represented a real priority for the
participants. The other problem we identified with using existing topic
sheets on the wall  is that topic content may have significantly evolved
through discussions and is better reflected by a new title. Michelle,
you have addressed that concern by writing on newspaper pages, topic
titles as they appear in the report - not on the wall.

The process developed in the OSonOS involved re-opening the space for
action topics, participants writing them down on a sheet and posting
them in clusters (with other similar topics) or in a Mind map fashion -
any of these affinity mapping processes. The problem is that often
participants came up with totally new topics as their thinking had
evloved and they were into more exploration. Others saw this as a
disconnect with their first discussions, afraid that the leadership
would then not pay sufficient attention to the first set of discussions

So I was looking for a quick and simple process,  for small and very
large groups, that is respectful of topic conveners' initiative and
leadership and addresses all of the concerns above. Here is what I tried
recently with a small group and will try again as the results and
improvements observed in that experience lead me to beleive it is worth
trying again.

In these instructions, I use the term "Initiator" instead of convener
because "convener" does not translate in French and initiator does; and
other facilitators have confirmed my experience ie that many English
speaking people are not at the outset  familiar or comfortable with
"convener" either; and the image that Initiator seems to convey is a
dynamic one of moving forward.

Report reading instructions:
• While reading, identify 3 (or 5 depending on size of the event or
other factors) topics or areas which you feel are of significant
interest or significant concern to you. What are the things for which
you now have energy to take to a next step with an action plan?

Combining topics
• Initiators have been invited to meet at the wall half an hour earlier,
before the reading part, to combine topics that are the same, similar or
closely related. Initiators have to update each other as to the
direction topics have evolved and each initiator must agree as to where
their topic goes. A new title may be given to the cluster and posted

• Initiators of a grouping chose one person that will pursue the role of
leader for this issue by: choosing and putting up a meeting site Post-it
for the grouping title, bringing a report form to the site and by
initiating the group discussion that will include all interested
participants. The group will be invited to choose a champion for the
action plan.

•  If the sponsor wishes to further identify priorities, a voting
process can be used (dot or computer voting being the most commonly
used), the vote being on cluster titles and  other topics that are
different and not clusters.

Explaining the process

These instructions are given to Initiators during their meeting at the
wall and also to the whole group before they break out into groups.

• All are invited to the wall to choose a topic or grouping  for which
they now have energy to take to a next step. They vote with their feet
by going directly to the designated meeting site where they sign up on
the participants’ list and participate to the discussion.

• Participants can work as a grouping/cluster or they can subdivide in
smaller groups to address specific topics or issues under that cluster.

• The task at hand is not to discuss again the topics but to identify
common ground, areas of consensus for which you can develop or propose a
"what, when, who, and how" type of plan. If more information is needed,
plan to find it.Where there is not a clear collective direction, plan
for another open space on these issues and set them aside for now.  The
principles and the law of the two feet also continue to apply.

• Group members cannot assign work or responsibility to people who are
not present to their discussion but if needed, they can plan to approach
these people with proposals.

• The group chooses a leader that will take responsibility for keeping
the plan alive.

• A reporter notes key points on the Planning Report form and types it
in as soon as possible. Copies will be given to all participants.

• Another participant summarizes key points on flip chart pages for a
walk about where participants circulate in the room to see the various
action plans. Group members can plan to relay each other at the flip
chart to provide answers to visiting participants if they wish to do so.

The facilitator announces the Walk About Process

• The time for the walk about is specified. Participants circulate, can
add ideas on a sheet attached to the action plan flip chart page(s) and
can sign up as interested "action members".

• Conveners may be invited to meet briefly after the closing of the
event to plan a meeting or future communications that will help sustain
the energy and the accountability. Meetings with relevant senior
managers can be discussed and coordinated from there.

I am looking forward to using this approach again and would welcome your

Diane Gibeault

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