Hello to the world of Open Space

I registered on the Open Space Listserver just over a week ago and have been
astonished (pleasantly so) at the amount of traffic every day!  So much so
that I was a little overwhelmed at how I could "fit in" the reading of this
email into my days... so I filed all of the messages into a folder I keep to
read on weekends.

It's Sunday afternoon here in Brisbane, Australia and I've just spent the
last 2 hours ensconced in everyone's messages over the past 10 days... and I
know I've opened another door on my journey... albeit under the auspices of
"Open Space Technology".  So, I would like to honour each of you as I tell
you that I will be a "watcher" for a while until I can positively contribute
to the great dialogue on OST.

A little background... I "managed" my first Open Space conference in
November last year with Rod Douglas as the OS Facilitator (I was merely the
Conference Organiser).  Rod and I have worked together for the past 2 years,
but this was the first OS conference I had asked him to facilitate.
Previously unbeknown to me, Rod has been been teaching me a lot of the OS
concepts since I first met him, and I had always been wondering how I could
apply what I have been learning (living with spirit) into business... then
bingo, he started to tell me about OS.

I look back on my November conference with a certain amount of amusement...
generally due to my total ignorance of the gifts OS had to offer my client
and his delegates (140 scientists and agriculturalist-based professionals +
government officers), but it wasn't too long afterwards that I realised that
this was the only way to "do conferences".  So, having become a
self-proclaimed "Open Space Junkie", I am now committed to learn more and as
quickly as possible, so that I may share this gift with my current and
future clients.

Thank you for allowing me to passively participate in your group... as I
learn more and feel I can contribute, you will be hearing from me.

Oh, before I go, my biggest learning from Open Space?  I am able to give up
control!!  I was a control freak and embracing OS was a great opportunity to
give that up all in one hit!!

Kind regards

Julianne Bell

Exceptional Events
Ph:  (07) 3891 0742
Fax:  (07) 3891 6244
Mobile:  0419 645 514

Exceptional events... dynamic spaces in which people connect and communicate

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