        I wish you every success in opening and holding space in early April.  I
loved the expression "health-promotion-related organizations" because it
has a more positive perspective than the commonly used "health care
        Regarding your concerns about the medicine wheel and use of a talking
stick, my advice is to stay with the basic principles of Open Space
Technology and these will take care of themselves.  Reason: One can
become distracted in preparing for a first facilitation.  One can become
distracted in preparing for the 30th OST event too!!! I like to spend the
greater part of the day prior to opening space in preparing myself for
the event.   What I do depends on where I am.  If I am preparing to leave
home, I make sure that I have packed everything I need and I sometimes
view a video that I have entitled "The Heros Journey."   If I am in a
hotel room,  I make the posters, cut flip chart paper into pieces for
posting topics, and mentally rehearse the opening by envisioning people
in the circle as I say "Welcome to Open Space!"  And go on from there.
In other words, don't worry about the medicine wheel and talking stick.
        The medicine wheel appears naturally in the circle and comes forward in
the spirit of the people present.  The talking stick might just be the
microphone that is used to announce the topics as they go up or during
evening news.  As for the closing of the circle, I like Harrison's idea
of using a bow from an evergreen with a cordless microphone attached to
it.  The "mike" is so that everyone in the closing circle can hear what
is said.  He is right that some of the sap sticks to each person's hand
and the wonderful smell of evergreen serves as a reminder to reconnect us
with others in the circle as we journey home.  I repeat....stick to the
fundamental principles of OST and you will grow into a deeper
understanding about these other symbols.
        Keeping it simple, Sheila is the challenge to me.  I can use the KISS
principle because of my name!  And, Susan, smile a lot and look for the
joy that unfolds as people begin the journey of opening spaces in other
aspects of their lives!  Enjoy...Have some fun!  You are after all, doing
what comes naturally!

Hope this is useful!

Sheila T. Isakson
Isakson Associates LLP
PO Box 370256
Milwaukee, WI 53237-0256

(414) 482-1996

On Sun, 12 Mar 2000 12:48:30 -0400 Susan Lilley <>
> Hello to all of you,
> I was privelged to participate in Birgitt's OST training session
> last
> summer, and to work beside Birgitt in an open space she facilitated
> in
> Halifax last month. Now, at last, I have my first opportunity to
> hold an
> open space, which will take place in early April.
> The one and a half day session will bring together people from
> health-promotion-related organizations from across the region, to
> talk
> about ways they can work together to develop learning opportunities
> for
> themselves and their organizations.  I am expecting about 30 people,
> but
> this is still very tentative.
> I have been reading every word posted on this list for the last week
> or
> so, and my excitement is mounting. Every message has contributed
> greatly
> to my sense of confidence and my understanding of the possibilities
> of
> what I might encounter, and how best to respond.  I thank you for
> all of
> them and for creating this fabulous learning resource.
> As I approach the April event I oscillate between serene confidence
> and
> utter panic.  The "talking stick and medicine wheel" thread was
> especially interesting, because that is the aspect of OST that feels
> most "foreign" to me, and that I have the most difficulty
> articulating.
> Your discussion was very useful and deepened my understanding of
> these
> rituals and their significance in open space.  Even so, I am at a
> loss
> as to the words I would use to simply introduce the medicine wheel
> during the closing circle.  I would be interested in hearing how
> others
> handle this.
> I look forward to your suggestions, and will let you know how it
> goes!
> --
> Susan Lilley
> 7 Canterbury Place
> Dartmouth NS B2Y 4J5
> Tel: (902) 463-1837
> Fax:(902) 469-4166

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