
after my first year having facilitated several Open Spaces (what a
grace, this way of working!) for a next one I got asked  whether it makes
sense to start
an virtual Open space beforehand the "physical one". Now I`ve seen
this once, and wasnt very enthusiastic about the results, but then
that open space didnt work out well as a whole (it was a
demonstration, and they didnt go for a strong theme which people
really were intersted in). So I would be interested to hear whether
someone has made experiences with starting discussions beforehand in
the internet, and whether that did work out well, and if yes, a hint
how that was set up.

Secondly, when i did my last open space, another time I occupied
myself with the translation of the principles into German, and doing
that, I realized, that I prefer to say "What happens is the only
thing that happens" instead of "...is the only thing that could have
happened". To me the first version emphasizes even more, that its
about paying attention to and working with whatever is now, instead of
mourning about could
be's. Besides I`m not sure about what could have happend - but I now,
that whatever happens, is the only thing that happens.

Greetings to all of you

Oliver Schrader (Vienna)

Oliver Schrader
Lustkandlgasse 39/36
A-1090 Wien
Tel. ++431 3107018

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