At 06:43 PM 4/2/00 -0400, you wrote:
>My Assumption: CEO's get paid to Open Space in their organizations to
>capitilizes on the above to meet their organizations goals. An OS
>facilitator is in essence doing the CEO's function in this regard.
>If this is a correct assumption then the Fair Market Value of OS might
>be....1 day of CEO's pay X no. days OS facilitation + 2 days (prep
>recovery).... example 3 day OS event = 5 day CEO's daily pay. Just imagine
>what one would be paid for if Opening Space in Microsoft!
This is great -- but for me the math would be harder then the Open Space. But
there was a time when I did an Open Space for a $300 million company -- small
but quite well known. The CFO was furious. We basically closed the company for
two whole days. He figured it cost him a Million a day. Anyhow, but the end of
the first day, in addition to a whole mess of other stuff, the folks had
designed a new product (including manufacturing and marketing plans) and
re-designed their inventory system. The CFO figured the first was worth $24
million a year, and the second saved $4 million. Total addition to the bottom
line in 8 hours $28 Million. Not to shabby, considering the folks also had fun.
Anyhow, I caught him early on the second day. He was smiling -- broadly. I
figured I would catch him when he was in a good mood to tell him that next time
it was on percentage. He didn't smile.


Harrison Owen
7808 River Falls Drive
Potomac, MD 20854
phone 301-469-9269
fax 301-983-9314
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