Hi Chris and thanks for your interesting points.
I like the idea of having piles of chairs instead of arranging circles that
might be to large or too small.
About the calculation dividing the number (theatrestyle) by two. I'm having
a OS in october with 200 participants in a "room for 400 theatrestyle". Do
you think that everything could fit into that room (about12*17,5). So far I
have always kept the great circle in order to avoid chaos at the end. I
guess the participants do manage that though! Is that how "you" do it? I
will have a look att the facilities tomorrow. I guess I will book some more
rooms but maybe not as many as I thought a while ago. I´m a bit concerned
with the noise there might be. Once I had a group of 15 who went off to find
somewhere else to meet, that worked well. I think it's important to have
other avalable options for groups that do feel disturbed.
Greetings Thomas

> having everyone in the same room,....

> If I can fit everyone in, then I won't book breakouts.  Otherwise I'll
have breakouts or other meeting places....  .
> When working in one room, I put numbers up around the room which are
meeting points.  People gather at the numbers at specific times to discuss
their issues.  People simply drag their chairs from the circle into the
little groups.  I don't set up circles of chairs around the numbers, because
I prefer people in the groups to do that.  Every group has its own optimal
geometry, and I like to give that a chance to grow.....

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