Hi Everyone on the OSLIST,

If you are not interested in recently published materials about the
application of Open Space Technology, and/or view notices describing such
publications on a listserv as intrusive "advertising", please delete this
message now.  If you are interested, please read on.

Thank you.

Buzz Blick

Basic Information:
"Redesigning America's Schools: A Systems Approach to Improvement" by
Francis Duffy, Lynda Rogerson and Charles (Buzz) Blick. Christopher - Gordon
Publishers, 320 pages. Hardbound.  ISBN: 1-929024-12-6.  (U. S.) $44.95.
1-800-934-8322 (in the U. S.).

Brief Description:
The book provides a systemic, systematic strategic approach for improving
entire school districts.  We call that approach Knowledge Work Supervision.

Part one outlines reasons why a systems approach to educational improvement
is necessary, describes the special needs of teachers as "knowledge workers"
(as well as school systems as knowledge-creating organizations) and provides
a brief history of school improvement in the U. S.

Part two describes how Open Space Technology, Appreciative Inquiry and
Search Conferences may be used to build support for innovation within the
school system and the community it serves, while providing strategic
direction for district-wide school improvement.  It then outlines a
step-by-step process to redesign whole school districts for high
performance, achieve stability and diffusion of change, then sustain school
improvement over time.

Part three describes key roles in school improvement, leadership necessities
and the productive use of teams in such efforts.  Ten "tools" for systems
assessment and improvement are included in the appendix.  Extensive
references are provided.

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